Chapter 11

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3rd Person's Pov

3days past and so far the others learn that Kookie is indeed a Ghost. Jimin once suggest that he and Kookie would walk in the hallways where the maids and butlers are, and one of the butlers did asked Jimin as to why he was talking alone. Jimin try to give the butler a hint that he wasn't alone but that butler can't really see Kookie, the butler even just walk through Kookie without the butler knowing. Jimin was amused to see that. 

Then they learn that Kookie can move objects without even touching them. He can't touch things physically cause his hands would just go through things. But he can move them, maybe it is the perks of being a Ghost. Kookie can't also eat foods which was a sad thing, he can cook food because he can move object without touching them, like the ingridients just floats everywhere and you'll see a knife that cuts the ingridients on his own. Basically, the food is cooking on his own, but Kookie can't taste nor eat his food because he can't touch physical object. The only physical thing that Kookie can touch is Taehyung. Whenever Kookie hold Taehyung's hand or hug him, Taehyung felt the cold yet calming touch of Kookie. Its still a mystery as to why Kookie can touch only Taehyung. 

Not only that, during those 3 days it was always full moon when night comes. So, when the clock strike 3, Kookie would wake up in that old destroyed Cafe. The next day, Jimin or the rest or even Taehyung himself, would pick Kookie up and bring to the mansion. But one day, they decided to do an experiment. 

When Kookie was teleported back to that old cafe as the clock strike 3, around 4:30 or so, Taehyung is standing infront of the glass window in his room while looking at the Fullmoon. He close his eyes and he thinks of Kookie. He think of him in a sincere way and when Taehyung open his eyes, Kookie was there floating infront of him. He was surprised but he gave a small smile and hug the adorable Ghost. The next day try to do what Taehyung did, but it seems that Taehyung is the only one who can summon Kookie, and he was happy with that but he doesn't show it in his face. 

Currently, Kookie is looking at Taehyung while he arrange some files in his desk. Taehyung didn't intended to bring Kookie with him in his office, but in one moment he was thinking of Kookie and daydreaming of him and the next he knew Kookie is in his office floating next to him. So he decided to go back to work, but he is happy that Kookie is right now beside him. 

"You seems busy, so why did you call me?" Kookie said.

"I didn't call you." Taehyung said as he focus his gaze on the files, and didn't look Kookie pretending that he didn't just day dream about Kookie and their hot passionate night. 

"Then Why am I suddenly here? I was helping Chim Hyung you know." Kookie said.

"Why are you helping that midget? " Taehyung said and look at Kookie, he look at him with a stern look but if you really look into it he looks Taelous. 

"Ah~ Chim Hyung is very fun. He was showing me this cool Computer Game that he was playing and I'm telling you that he was suck at it. Though, with my instructions he easily win! He even call me as Gaming master!!. So now, he said that I'll be his cheat code in winning the game. " Kookie said cheerfully like he was really having fun with Jimin, well he did really have fun until Taehyung suddenly summon Kookie who disappeared from Jimin's side. 

"Looks like you have so much Fun with the midget, why don't you go and go back to him." Taehyung said as he turn his gaze to the file and he looks like his going to burn those papers until it would turn into ash because of how Jealous of his that His Crush is enjoying his(Kookie) time with another man. (Even thought that Man is Park Jimin, his bestfriend.) 

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