Chapter 28

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3rd Person's Pov

A man in his 30's with ash blonde hair is walking on the dark street of an abadon city. He had a cancer stick on his mouth while he carrying an brown envelope in his arm pit. 

"Oi! Where the hell are you!? I got the information you need!!" The man stated. 

"I'm here." A man that looks like in his 30's with raven hair also come out from the shadow. 

"Tsk, now that your here. Here's the information you want. " The man with ash blonde hair stated as he let the cancer stick drop on the floor and step on it and gave the file to the raven hair. 

"Thanks, heres the money." The man with raven hair said as he give the suit case. 

"Oh? What do we have here?" Suddenly Hobi said as he look at the two who is exchanging deals. 

"Tsk, a teenage boy like you shouldn't be in this place." The man with ash blonde stated. 

"Oh? Why? This place isn't yours and I don't see your name on it..." Hobi said playfully but suddenly he look at the man with an evil smirk. "Mr. Lee Han Lay. " Hobi said. 

The ash blonde man eyes widden, he quickly draw his gun and pointed at Hobi/"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck you know my real name!?" The man asked angrily. 

"No need for violence~ If you come with me and cooperate then~ It would have less pain." Hobi said. 

"Tsk! Bastard!" The man said and fire at Hobi but Hobi dodge it and smirk.

"Opps~ An old man is already bad at aiming." Hobi teased and the man got angry and fire again, but before he can the man with raven hair knock him out by hitting his neck. 

"Hey~ I was still having fun with Him Kitten~" Hobi said. 

"Aish~ Don't call me that Hubby~" The man with raven hair stated, he remove his wig and skin like mask to revealed Yoongi. "Beside, I'm sleepy and hungry so lets make this quick." Yoongi said. 

"Well~ You can always eat me if you like?" Hobi said and flirts with Yoongi who smirk. 

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