Chapter 15

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3rd Person's pov

Taehyung and the rest arrive in the Club and Kookie was so amazed when he saw colorful lights and loud music.

"Oh wow, This is so cool!!" Kookie said excitedly as he was floating beside them.

"Yeah, it does." Jimin said.

"Look, Look, Chim Hyung There's a Dance floor over there. Let's dance!!" Kookie said happily.

"Oh? Sure, but I warned you. I might be too good at Dancing." Jimin said with a wink.

"I don't know if I can't dance or not since I don't recall of me dancing. But, my body seems to feel excited while hearing a loud music. Its like, the music is inviting me to dance! " Kookie said cheerfull.

"Well, me and Hobi Hyung are great at dancing you should show us your moves~. I'll request the DJ to play a Big Bang song!!" Jimin said and walk away cheerfully.

"Big Bang? Sounds familiar, But okay." Kookie said.

"Well let's go to the dance floor!!" Hobi said quickly walk to the dance floor and Kookie catch up with him.

"Don't forget about the mission brats!" Namjoon yelled, and well he knows that people around won't mind him yelling because they are to busy minding their own business and the music is pretty loud.

"Now that they are gone, let's go and have some drinks." Yoongi said as he walks towards a VIP couch and sat down. Namjoon, and Taehyung sat beside him, and the people around there didn't mind them. After all, Taehyung is pretty known in the club.

"Hey Cutie~ Can I get you some drinks 😉" A lady who wears a very exposing dress said seductively.

"I Have I'll have a glass of Gin." Yoongi said.

"Me too." Namjoon said.

"I'll have a simple cocktail." Taehyung said.

"Really Tae? A cocktail?" Yoongi said.

"Yes, I don't want to get drunk knowing Kookie is here. The last time I did got drunk something happened." Taehyung said and remembering the pleasurable night. He knows he want that night to happened again, but he knows he need to asked for a permission to Kookie this time.

He only view Kookie ad his slave yes, but that is his brain saying. His heart tells him to treat Kookie gently with care, treat him like he is a soft fragile yet beautiful as a diamond could be, and mostly treat him with love. Taehyung is doing what his brain is telling him, but his heart's thought is much stronger so now, he would treat that Ghost as Gentle as he could be since Gentle wasn't really in his vocabulary.

"Would that be all?" The lady asked and Yoongi and the others nod.

"I'll be right back with the drinks then~" She said and walk away making sure to show her plum ass, but they weren't interested. Yoongi had two boyfriends enough to compete with that plum ass, Namjoon is gonna get killed when his gonna cheat on his current boyfriend and he is loyal to Jin, and Taehyung isn't interested in some plum ass anymore because his eyes already laid on something more fluffier and plum ass that he ever saw within his sex life. Nothings is more plum and fluffier than a Bunny's tail.

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