Part 23

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"So, I told--- I told my dad about us" -Yin said to War. They were outside waiting for the driver after they finished their practice.

"What?" -War was surprised.

"Yeah. I had to, I wanted to" -Yin said with a soft voice trying to prevent War from freaking out.

"Why wouldn't you wait for me? Now he is going to tell my pa" -War said freaking out. He stood up and started walking back and forth.

"He won't tell anyone. We will tell Uncle Kao together" -Yin said grabbing his hand. He was still sitting down and War was standing in front of him.

"I don't know. Maybe I should tell him on my own" -War said scared that Kao would have a bad reaction.

"No. We will do it together" -Yin said standing up and hugging War.

Yin saw the driver approaching and let go of War.

They arrived at Yin's house. Ohm was the only one there. He had stayed home because he was feeling sick.

"Dad, did you take your medicine?" -Yin said going in his bedroom. Yin rolled his eyes as soon as he saw him.

"What are you doing? Apa said no work" -Yin said. Ohm was reading some documents. Fluke had noticed his long hours, he had become stressed and now had become sick.

"I need those for my meeting tomorrow" -Ohm said when Yin took away the papers to put them on the desk.

"I'm going to call apa" -Yin said.

"Fine. Fine. I'll just sleep some more" -Ohm said laying down. Fluke's little anger was scary.

"Here" -Yin said giving War some highlighters for his homework. He left Ohm resting.

"Is he okay?" -War asked about Ohm.

"Yeah" -Yin said.

"Is he mad at you?" -War asked him worried.

"He isn't" -Yin said. Ohm wasn't mad, he was concerned.

Yin gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Yin" -War said moving his head back and looking around. His uncle Ohm could see them.

Yin laughed and went to the kitchen to get some food his apa had left them. He first heated up Ohm's soup to take to him. He had to eat and drink a lot of water.

Fluke came back home after a while. War had left already. Kao kept telling him to get home.

"Can we talk?" -Earth asked War. Kao was in the shower and it was a good time.

"mm" -War said. He knew what was going to happen. Earth was putting away some groceries he bought.

"So..I saw what you had in your box" -Earth went straight to the point. He didn't want to make War more nervous so he kept putting away the groceries slowly.

War was silent for a moment thinking about what to answer.

"I know" -War said softly. "I stole it from your room" -War said. Earth was a little embarrassed because his son knew where they kept that stuff.

"Did you--- were you intimate with someone?" -Earth asked. His son was 14 and having sex, he needed to know.

War slowly nodded and kept his head low.

"With who?" -Earth asked. If it were the person he was thinking, it would be overwhelming for the families.

"Don't tell Pa" -War said still looking at the ground.

"So it is the boy I am thinking? I thought he liked a girl and that he made you look stupid" -Earth said a little annoyed. He knew Yin and him loved each other but somehow it felt a little wrong. He would always take War's side on anything but he knew Kao wouldn't react properly.

"We will tell Pa together" -War said avoiding what Earth just said. Earth sighed.

"Go get ready for bed, please" -Earth said and continued putting away the groceries.

"Yes dad" -War said and ran to his bedroom.

He called Yin.

"My dad knows." -War said softly. Yin was laying down in bed and quickly stood up.

"Really?" -Yin asked.

"Yes but he knows everything. He saw my box where we keep the —" -War said but didn't finish the sentence. Yin knew what he was talking about.

"Shit" -Yin whispered scared.

"I am scared about Pa." -War said.

"I know Uncle Earth won't tell Uncle Kao. We should tell them tomorrow when we have dinner after my soccer game" -Yin said. They had to do it.

"Ay Yin. Maybe we should wait. Lets tell them separately" -War suggested.

"No. It is better to do it when they are all together. That way Uncle Earth and my dads can help. We would also get scolded once" -Yin said. He tried to make War laugh with the last sentence but it didn't work. War was nervous and scared.

"What if my dad doesn't help? or what if my Uncle Ohm takes my pa's side?" -War said. He was overthinking everything and couldn't help but only think negative.

"Stop it. Calm down. It will go fine. Go to sleep" -Yin said. They said their good nights and would see how it goes tomorrow. They could even rehearse before the dinner.

The next morning War was more nervous and scared than the night before. He didn't want to go downstairs and face his dad.

He was picked up by Yin to go to school. The day went good but War still couldn't concentrate in any of his classes. Kao's many scary moments have been stuck in his head. Today might not be different.

War didn't go to practice. Today was Yin's soccer game and needed to go see him. When he got there, his parents and Uncles were already there. Earth and Ohm kept looking at him. It was awkward and couldn't wait until Yin was there with him.

Yin's team won the game. North and him did a good job but they did get scolded by the coach because they didn't want to pass the ball to each other.

"Good job" -Ohm told Yin making him smile. Although Ohm wanted him in another sport, he never forgot a game. He was always there with his son.

"Congrats my bookworm" -Fluke said.

Kao only tapped his head, that was his congrats.

"Good job" -Earth said. Yin thanked him but couldn't look him in the eyes.

"I will go change" -Yin said and everyone nodded. They sat back down to wait for him.

"I need to use the restroom" -War said and stood up to leave. He couldn't stand Ohm and Earth looking at him any longer. He went to the restrooms near the locker room but stopped and leaned against the wall hiding from the two people talking.

"You are coming right?" -Ploy asked Yin.

"Yes. I have to go have dinner with my family first" -Yin answered. War frowned. He said he wouldn't go to the party.

"I will be waiting. Don't take War with you so you can stay over" -Ploy said.

"I won't" -Yin said and then went in the locker room. War got even more scared. He didn't know what to think. Ploy told Yin to stay over but has that happened before? His stomach starting hurting, he kept thinking that Yin was lying to him all this time.

"Stupid" -War whispered to himself and went back to his parents annoyed and scared at the conversation he just heard. He even forgot to use the restroom.

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