Part 44

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"You haven't scheduled my meeting" -Earth said to Kao. They had returned from work at different times. Earth arrived when Kao was already preparing dinner.

"I keep forgetting, sorry" -Kao lied. He continued cutting some vegetables for the dinner.

"mm. Don't worry about it. I told Ohm. He will schedule it tomorrow." -Earth said. Kao was taking too long to do it so he went to Ohm. Ohm knew exactly what Kao was doing, and it could affect that deal.

"I said I was going to schedule it" -Kao said getting angry.

"No you weren't. You keep saying you will. The company called me and they want it already" -Earth said calmly. He didn't want to upset Kao but his possessiveness was sometimes too much.

"I will!" -Kao yelled which scared Earth.

"What is wrong with you?" -Earth said annoyed. He rolled his eyes and walked to his bedroom. He didn't want to fight at all.

Kao was about to go after him but he heard the gate be opened. War was already back from school and he didn't want to War to hear them fight.

"Hello" -War said once he was inside the house.

"Hey" -Kao yelled from the kitchen. He kept preparing dinner while Earth was still upstairs.

War sat down on the counter stall and sighed heavily.

"What?" -Kao noticed it. It was too obvious something was wrong.

"I want to go see grandpa. Maybe I can take Yin with me." -War said sadly. He desperately wanted Pat's approval.

"That is not a good idea" -Kao said. Yin could make things worse. Pat always showed some kind of dislike for Yin since he was a kid. Kao thought that it was because War always wanted to be near Yin and it felt like they would never separate from each other.

"Well they will eventually see each other, I don't want it to be awkward" -War said. He sighed and went near Kao to try some of the food he was making.

"Go get your dad so we can eat." -Kao said. War nodded and went upstairs.

Ohm and Yin were having dinner at Fluke's restaurant. Fluke was still working and Ohm didn't want to leave without him.

"How are things with War?" -Ohm asked Yin as their food was served.

"Your husband will be here soon" -the waiter told Ohm when he was doing serving them. Ohm nodded and the waiter left. Yin still didn't answer Ohm's question.

"What?" -Ohm asked Yin.

"His grandpa doesn't like me. He never has and especially now that he knows." -Yin said with a sad tone. He knew how much Pat meant to War.

"Pat will just have to get use to it. Don't worry about that. You and War are fine." -Ohm said and then sighed. He drank some of his whiskey. Pat will not ruin this relationship like he ruined Kao and Earth.

"Hey. I'm sorry. I had such a busy day." -Fluke said to his family. He sat down and quickly took a sip of his wine.

"It is fine. We can home together now." -Ohm said pulling Fluke's chair so he could be closer to him. Yin smiled. He loved to see his parents this close. He really hoped War and him will be in love like their parents are when they become older.

"Yin stop" -War said holding his laugh. Yin was kissing his neck which made him ticklish.

"I want you so bad" -Yin said getting in between War's legs.

"Yin. My parents will hear" -War said pushing Yin a little. Yin rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Sorry" -Yin said going to sit on the desk chair and continuing his homework. They were allowed to study and do homework together at War's room since it was a friday.

"I just don't want my dads to hear and be mad" -War said hugging Yin from behind. Yin was still sitting down.

"I know" -Yin said and gave a weak smile. War went back to sit on the bed to finish his homework. Yin noticed something different when he touched War, it was like he actually didn't want to be touched by him.

It was Saturday morning, Kao and Earth had gone to a meeting and War was having breakfast that Milli had made for him. Earth was still a little upset about their fight yesterday but tried to keep it cool infront of War.

"How are things with you?" -Milli asked him. She was the first person to find out about War and Yin.

"Good" -War said but she knew something was wrong. She has known War since he was a child.

"Don't keep things to yourself. You have a partner now and keeping secrets or feelings to yourself can hurt him." -Milli said touching War's chin. War sighed and continued eating his breakfast.

"I am having a party tonight" -North told War. They were on a phone call after War was done eating. He was walking around his dad's garden. He liked the smell of it.

"Yeah?" -War said. He knew he was about to be invited.

"You should come. I can go pick you up, that way I talk to your dad" -North wanted War to go have fun at the party. They haven't really hung out much outside school.

"I'll ask my dad first" -War said. He needed a distraction and that partu could be fun beside North was his friend and wanted to spend time with him.

War went back inside the house. He still needed to finish some homework. He also wanted to call Yin and tell him that he wanted to go to North's party but didn't want to make him upset so he decided not to. He also couldn't stop thinking about his grandfather. Pat was a different man when he got out of prison or at least that is what War thought. He had heard some stories about Pat's past but once he and War started having time together, War saw him as a good person, a grandfather that loved him very much.

Author's Note:
Hello! Long Time No See! Sorry I know I said I would upload more but got kind of busy. 🥺 sorry for the short chapter. I also said I would end the story soon but more ideas came to mind so now I don't know if I should end it. Please let me know what you think!

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