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Catherine was really excited to see their new house. It was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights. Catherine hugged Roger and said, "Thank you so much Roger. You have done so much for me." Roger just smiled because he didn't want to disappoint Catherine but he was not at all excited to see the villa. He had no contribution in the villa decoration nor did he arrange someone to do it for their welcome.  He just thought to himself, "Who could have decorated the villa so well. Does someone already live here?" But he just brushed off those thoughts. He just thought to himself, "Maybe Chris would have arranged for this to surprise us."

Roger and Catherine went inside the house. It was around 11p.m in the night. They had already had dinner at Chris's place so they didn't have to worry about food. They were really tired so walked straight into their bedroom. They both were amazed to see the room nicely decorated room with small LED lights of different colours, the bed had flowers all over it and the room had an amazing fragrance. Catherine immediately slept but Roger started wondering, "How does electricity reach here? Who could have decorated the house so well? If Mr. Chris has done so, how did he find the location of this house when I told him nothing about it?" Also he continuously had a feeling that someone was staring at him but he was too tired that he decided to sleep and not think about anything. 

That night at around 2a.m, Roger heard some weird sounds, "This is not done John, you are cheating on me now." Roger immediately opened his eyes and saw a lady who was in her 30's. Her hair was all messed up. She wore a white gown which was dusty and had blood stains on it. She had cuts on her face. She was smiling at him from the ceiling fan. Roger moved his eyes towards Catherine but she was missing and that lady was lying beside him. He tried to scream but no voice came out. He tried to move but he was glued to the bed. The lady grabbed his neck and was about to kill him with an iron nail. Immediately Roger woke up from his sleep. He saw his beautiful girlfriend Catherine who was now his wife peacefully sleeping beside him. Everything around was normal. He just sipped a few drops of water and said to himself, "Huh! Such a bad dream."

Hey Readers! Hope you all are doing well. So how did you like this chapter? What do you think does the dream has something to do with the reality. What do you think is making Roger have weird illusions? Please let me know what you think and don't forget to vote. 

I will be back with a new chapter soon. Till then take care.




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