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The entire garden had dirty dry soil except for a particular part of the soil that was wet and moist. Catherine understood that it was the place where Elsa's body was buried. She dug that soil and saw a skeleton. The skeleton wore a few jewels which didn't look very expensive. She affectionately kept her hands on the skull. A few tears fell on the face bone of the skeleton. Moonlight was brightly shining on the skeleton's face. She took out the diamond ring from the box and was about to insert it in Elsa's finger when she heard a sound, "Wait!" Catherine turned back and saw a man. 85% of his face and body was rotten so she didn't understand who it was. He had deep and terrible wounds. She looked at him closely. His eyes reminded Catherine of Roger's mesmerising eyes. She understood that it was John her brother-in-law. She said, "Hi! I am Catherine. I am married to your younger brother Roger. He is a really good person. The man said, "Please kill me Catherine. Please! I want to get rid of this struggle. Please." Catherine asked, "Aren't you dead?" On this John said, "Yes Catherine. I am dead but my soul wants to rest in peace. Catherine! Do you see a heap of garbage there? My dead body is under that garbage. Please bury me with due respect with my wife Elsa. I understood my fault." Catherine said nothing and ran towards to heap of garbage. It was about to be morning. The moonlight was slowly fading. The heap of garbage was very smelly but she forgot all the pains and kept on digging the soil. She saw a bag. When she opened it there were expensive jewellery. "That belongs to Elsa.", she heard a voice. She quickly took the bag and started dressing up Elsa in her wedding jewellery.

"And to make Elsa rest in peace I need to put this ring in Elsa's finger. How do I do that?", she again heard John. Catherine smiled and asked, "Oh so you want to complete your love?" John nodded his head in pain. Catherine said, "Please enter my body. I'll help you complete your love." John's soul immediately entered Catherine's body. Her entire body began to rot. She wasn't able to walk. She was in immense pain but she was determined to unite two lovers. She took the ring and inserted it in Elsa's finger. The last ray of moonlight fell on bride Elsa's face and there was a bright flash of light which blinded Catherine.

When she opened her eyes next, she saw Elsa standing beside her. Her face had no bruises and cuts she was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown like a bride. John was smiling and standing beside Elsa. His body wasn't rotten anymore. Both of them had an unearthly shine on their face. It was already dawn by then. Elsa was smiling at John. John apologised to Elsa for his misdeeds. Their love was completed. Catherine was happy to see them together. Elsa said, "Thank you Catherine! You helped me find the way to heavens. Please bury my body here in this garden with John's dead body. We want to be together forever." That's when Mary came close to Elsa and said, "My soul won't get peace until I know how this cheater came here." Catherine said, "Mother Mary! John was in immense pain all these years. I have experienced that pain..." and she narrated everything taking from John's death to the present day.

Immediately all the wounds from Mary's face disappeared and she too had the same divine glow like Elsa and John. She said, "Thank you Elsa! I think its time for me to leave. My last rites are already performed by your husband Roger. He buried my body in this garden on the same day when I died with due respect." Catherine said nothing to this. She quietly went near the heap of garbage, took John's skeleton and buried it near Elsa's dead body. She covered their bodies with the soil and prayed to Christ for them to have an amazing afterlife.

Hey readers! Finally Elsa and John are united. The story is about to end but a very big twist is yet to be revealed. So please stay tuned with this story to know the last mystery and do show your support by votes and comments...



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