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Catherine turned back and saw it was Elsa. She just hugged Elsa and started crying. Elsa asked her, "What is the matter madam? You look scared!" Catherine described everything she saw. Elsa just smiled and said, "Don't worry madam! It was just a nightmare which scared you so much." Catherine tried to explain that she wasn't in a dream but Elsa was not ready to listen a word. She held Catherine's hand and took her to the hall. She made Catherine sit and gave her a glass of water. Then she cleared her throat and said, "Madam! I have a news for you. It is a good as well as a bad news." Catherine looked at her with a confused expression. Elsa said, "Madam! You are pregnant. Please be strong. Be in whatever circumstances you are I'll always stand by your side. I'll take care of you and your baby in sir's absence." Catherine immediately burst out into tears and said, "I miss Roger. Where is he? And I even miss my dad. Please Elsa help me go home. I want to go to my dad." Elsa said, "Madam! This is a huge forest. If we try to get out of here we might get lost in the jungle. As soon as sir comes you can leave this house and go to your dad. Till then please stay calm. I am always there for you." Catherine held Elsa's hand and said, "Elsa, you are doing so much for me and I now consider you as my elder sister. Please don't insult me by calling me 'Madam'. You can call me 'Cathy' instead." Elsa just smiled and gave her a hug and said, "Ok my dear Cathy!"

Elsa started taking care of Catherine even better since she knew Catherine was pregnant. She made her best possible efforts to keep Catherine happy but Catherine experienced weird things every night. While sleeping she heard woman crying, little babies crying and many times blood would fall on her face and when she stared up to see where was the blood coming from, she would see the same lady crying and the blood was the drops of tears she cried and the lady would say, "I will kill you John. I will take my revenge." Whenever Catherine experienced any such things she would shout at the top of her voice, "ELSA..." and Elsa would come running. The strangest thing was Elsa saw or heard none of those weird things. Catherine tried asking Elsa about John and that lady but every time Elsa would put her to sleep saying John is just an imaginary character stuck in her head and all that Catherine saw was just a nightmare. 

Catherine knew something was wrong but at the same time also knew that it was impossible for her to make Elsa believe until and unless Elsa saw something herself.

Hey Readers! Hope you all are keeping well. That was all for this part. 

What do you think who is John? What wrong has John done to the ghost of the villa that she desires revenge? How come Elsa saw none of those? Was all that Catherine saw just a dream or reality? And where do you think has Roger disappeared? Let me know in the comments what you think. And don't forget to vote. I'll be back with a new part soon.




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