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She entered the mansion. Not even a single soul noticed her. When she entered the hall she saw her and Roger's wedding picture. A candle was lit in front of it. "Is my Roger dead?", she asked herself when Emily came near her and said, "Catherine ma'am! You are alive?" Catherine said, "Emily! It is a long story. I'll tell you later. First tell me where is dad? What happened to Roger?" Emily said, "Madam please go to the balcony. Chris sir is about to kill Roger because he murdered you." 

Catherine ran towards the balcony. She asked Emily to take care of Jim and Jenny. She reached the balcony and saw Roger sitting in torn clothes. He was tied with iron chains and 8-9 people were brutally beating him up. Chris was sitting with tears in his eyes and a smile on the lips in his table. He had a glass of wine in his hands. He spoke, "Mr. Cobbler! Oh I mean Mr. greedy cobbler. Mr. Roger a thief.. I am asking you for the last time where is my daughter. Only you know the road to that villa because the day my driver let a cursed man like you in his car for taking you to the villa the same day he died of road accident." Roger was mum. Chris yelled, "Where the hell is my daughter? Did you sell her to someone or you murdered her? Where is my dear daughter." Roger said, "Sir I told you a million times that she is in that villa. It has been one year since I am looking for her. It seems as if the forest disappeared somewhere deep under the earth. I am worried for my wife too. She is my love. My life." Catherine had tears in her eyes. She suspected her love. She suspected that he deliberately left her. Immediately Chris roared, "Enough of you lies. Throw him out of the balcony. Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday. I'll give her the biggest birthday gift by killing her murderer today." The goons begun to unlock the chains when Catherine screamed, "No dad. He is my husband." The goons stopped. Chris and Roger turned toward the voice. They were shocked to see Catherine perfectly alright standing in front of them. They both weren't able to believe their eyes. 

Chris shouted, "Don't kill him. Tie him back. Let me test this girl if she is my daughter or the second wife of this cobbler who is disguised as my daughter." Roger had no idea what was happening. He was silently staring at all that was happening. 

Chris went close to Catherine and said, "Who are you? If you are my Catherine answer this question." Catherine nodded. Chris said, "What was Daisy's favourite dish? From which shop did we buy that dish in your childhood?" Catherine said, "Daisy was my mom. Her favourite dish was banana cookies and she never ate banana cookies from any branded shop. She only ate the banana cookies that you made for her."

Chris hugged her and said, "Catherine my child where were you all these days?" Catherine hugged him back and kept on crying. After crying for a long time, she told all that had happened to Chris and made made him understand that Roger was not the one to be blamed.

Chris's eyes were filled with guilt. He said in a low tone, "Catherine. I am sorry. I am really very sorry." Catherine was entirely confused. She told Chris not to worry and she won't stop loving him for treating Roger badly. She also told him that he was the best father in the entire world as he showered all his love and concern on his only daughter. Chris immediately said, "I am not the best father. I have a dark secret about my life. I kept this secret all this days because I didn't want to disappoint you but today it is the time to reveal this as I am about to die." Catherine was taken aback by his words. Then Chris ordered the goons to free Roger and leave the place. They did as instructed.

Hey readers! What do you think is the secret that Chris wants to reveal? Why is he about to die? This was the major twist in the plot that I had planned for all of you. I didn't want to bore you guys with a simple ending so I thought about this unique ending. I hope you would like it.

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