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She stared at the mirror pieces. She was able to see her reflection but in none of the mirror she saw her full reflection. She was looking at the clue hoping to get some clue but she didn't get any clue. She turned back and saw the wooden door wasn't there rather a glass door was there in which she saw her very own reflection. She went to open it when suddenly a glass piece hurt her hand. She turned back and saw her own copy that threw a piece of glass on her. She understood that she hasn't won yet. She stood in front of her copy and was staring at it. Her own copy was bruising her with glass pieces. Finally Catherine was tired. She wasn't able to take the attacks and turned back. She saw her own reflection on the glass door again. She tried to open it but didn't succeed. She again turned towards her own copy which attacked her and there were two of them. "The more I stare at the glass door the more copies of mine are produced.", she thought to herself. The two copies of Catherine were constantly attacking her with glass. Finally one glass piece hit her left eye. "Ouch!", she cried. Finally Catherine decided to break the glass door and run away from there.

As soon as she broke the glass door with the wooden box, all the copies disappeared. The entire look of the room changed. It was no longer a beautiful well illuminated room. The glass bulbs were broken. The dressing table was dusty and had dirty expiry products on it. There were cobwebs and spiders all around. The room looked like a quarry as if no one visited it since ages. Only a ray of light entered the room. She lost her left eye in the battle with the mirror. She heard a sound, "Congratulations you have crossed level one but to get out of this room you must answer my question. If you answer it right you can ask me in any question. If you answer it wrong you will die here itself." Catherine boldly said, "Ask me! I am ready." The voice said, "What never lies about you but does not tell the complete truth?" Catherine looked around and caught sight of a piece of plane mirror. Catherine smiled and said, "A plane mirror. A mirror shows us who we are and not what we are trying to be but even a mirror can't tell us the complete truth. It also shows the left side as right and vice versa. Only we are the one who can tell the complete truth about oneself and we must make sure in life that we aren't flattered by how someone describes us."

A golden key came out of the light and she heard a voice, "Keep this key safely. It will be useful for you to fulfil your tasks. Now you may ask me any question that you wish to ask." Catherine kept the key in the box, took a deep breath and then spoke, "I loved Roger so much. Then why did he cheat on me? Even Elsa loved John but she also got betrayed. Her John disguised as Roger, cheated me and I am sure he would be cheating some other girl now. Why is he doing this?" She started to cry.

The voice came, "Hahaha.. You claim to truly love Roger then you must learn to trust him. I'll clear your misunderstanding. Roger and John are brothers. They had exactly the same facial features. John was poor and his poverty made him a bad person. He stole Catherine's money but did not use a single penny for himself. He spent his money on his mother's treatment or on his brother's education. He wanted to save his mom from the deadly disease and he wanted to give a better future to his brother Roger so that he won't have to struggle for a living in future. Help Elsa reach heaven and she will let you go to meet Roger." Catherine had tears of both joy and guilt in her eyes. She went out of the room to look for clues to complete the next level. 

Hey readers! How did you like the chapter? What do you think will happen next? She managed to cross level 1. Will she be able to reach level 2? Will Elsa ever get justice or would she remain trapped in that forest forever? To know more stay tuned with my story.

And please show your support by votes and comments. I'll get a positive perspective towards my life as I am completely depressed due to the postponement/ cancellation of all the exams. I am stressed from all the sides. Your votes and positive comments for the story will give me a motivation to write better. 

Loads of love!

Pratu :) 

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