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Catherine somehow managed to run out of the villa. Her journey from the room to the main door of the house was not easy. There was a rain of gold coins and expensive jewellery inside the house. The coins were covered in blood. Catherine got hurt badly but she managed to save herself without causing any harm to her and the baby except for blood stains on her clothes and a few bruises on her face. 

She started to miss her dad. As soon as she came out of the main gate she said to herself, "How will I come out of the forest. Who will help me? I am very thirsty. First I need water." Suddenly she saw a small cottage. She thought that she could find water there so she went in. The cottage was really dirty. Immediately the small wooden door closed behind her. She got scared. She thought she is going to die that day. Suddenly her eyes fell on an old lady who was lying there. She wore white and black clothes like the clothes of a house maid. She had white hair and a wrinkled face. She was peacefully sleeping. She is a ghost Catherine's mind told her. You can take her help she looks kind Catherine heard the voice of her heart. Catherine listened to her heart. Catherine placed her hand on the old lady's shoulder. She immediately woke up and asked, "Yes! Who are you? How could I help you?" Catherine said, "Grandma! Please help me. The evil ghost of the villa is after my life. She will kill me and my kids. She wants my fate to be like hers. Please he.." Catherine started badly coughing. The old lady rubbed her back and then gave her water to drink. She asked Catherine to calm down. Catherine drank the water and the old lady started speaking, "I am Mary. Elsa's mom. Yes! Elsa is my only daughter. She is not as bad as you think. I saw you and John enter the villa. Then I also saw John going out of the villa. If Elsa was so cruel she could have killed you and John the day you entered. She could have killed you and your baby immediately after John left but she didn't. Elsa is a good soul all she wants is revenge. Revenge from her husband John. He betrayed her as he knew she was really rich and John, he was a poor street artist. Trust me she won't harm you." Catherine felt a bit satisfied. She started to trust the old lady a bit and one thing was clear in her mind that Roger was a cruel greedy fellow who cannot love anyone. He just won the trust of innocent rich girls who were the only child of their parents and then betrayed them for money. She told, "Grandma! Elsa took care of me all these months. I know well she is kind but she is not supposed to be here. She ought to be in the heaven with the fairies." "And that man" ,she said angrily, "Nature will take its revenge. You both just don't worry. And Grandma. I have a request. I would like to go to my dad."  The old lady smiled and said, "The time has not come yet child. You can go to your dad but you know your house is very far from here and your delivery date is near. I cannot risk your life and your child's life by taking you out of the forest right now. I think you should stay here till your delivery after that you may go to your dad. Catherine felt that she gave a reasonable reason so she agreed. 

Hey Readers! I hope you liked the chapter. What do you think about Mary? Did Catherine make the right decision by agreeing to stay with her? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote.

I'll be back with a new chapter soon. Till then STAY HOME! STAY SAFE!



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