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Mary took good care of Catherine. She cooked whatever Catherine wanted to eat. She gave Catherine a good hair massage twice a week to get her rid of the stress. She did all possible things to keep Catherine healthy and happy. Every night she would tell her a story with positive ending so that Catherine's thoughts are full of positivity and she could forget about her experiences at the villa. Catherine was really happy with her. She had lost her mother at a very young age and Mary filled the incomplete space of a mother in her life. She was really happy to have met Mary. 

One night Catherine saw Mary standing in front of the mirror with empty eye sockets and a bruised face. Roger was standing just beside her holding forceps in his hand which were covered in blood. "Roger!", she shouted and woke up. The old lady came running and asked, "Are you Okay my child?" Catherine just hugged her and said, "I am glad that you are fine grandma." Mary just patted her head and put her back to sleep but now Catherine started to have doubts about Mary. "What if grandma is also a pure soul who is helping me?", she thought to herself. 

Next day, Catherine was hungry. She went to the kitchen to take something to eat and saw Mary cooking. She was standing in front of a small flame in which she was steaming puddings for Catherine. Catherine saw her shadow which was huge because of the small flame in the dark room. Suddenly she noticed, Mary had no shadow. She rubbed her eyes to see again but there was only one shadow that was of Catherine. Still Catherine wanted to cross check. She called Mary close to her and made her stand in her place to check if she had a shadow or not but Mary had no shadow. Catherine mumbled, "Grandma! You are also dead..." And she fell to the floor. She had no idea what happened after that. 

When Catherine opened her eyes after a long time all she saw was Mary was sitting beside her with a broad smile on her face and her baby bump has disappeared. Catherine looked puzzle. She said, "Grandma! You kill...", when Mary interrupted, "Congratulations Catherine, you have delivered two healthy babies." Mary brought the babies and showed them to Catherine. She hugged them and said, "My cute son 'Jim' and my beautiful daughter 'Jenny'." She started to cry and said, "Your dad is a cheat but I swear I would always take care of you without any help from Roger."

Then she turned towards Mary and said, "Grandma! I know you are dead and I think Roger has killed you as per what I saw in my dreams. I also know that you are blind and can't see me or my kids. Why are you helping us so much and if you really want to help us why don't you let us go home." Mary just sighed and said, "For my daughter Elsa! She wants revenge and only you can help her do that. Once you let my Elsa's soul Rest in peace I too would go and this enchanted forest will also disappear. The magic of the forest won't let you go once you come in. Trust me! Just help us and we won't stop you from going out then. But remember one thing if you start helping us once you cannot back out later. Maybe you would die or maybe your kids would die but you'll have to help us out. So think twice before saying yes." Catherine had no other option. She thought that if she doesn't hep then also she would remain trapped in the forest so it was better to agree to whatever they said. Catherine took a deep breathe and said, "Okay Grandma! I am ready to help. What am I supposed to do now?" Mary gave her a wide smile. 

Hey readers! That's all for this chapter. What do you think would Mary and Elsa ask Catherine to do. Will she be able to seek justice for Elsa. Let me know your views in the comments below and don't forget to vote.

I'll be back soon with a new chapter. New twists and lots of fun. So stay tuned with my story.




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