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She was walking around the house looking for clues when she saw footprints of blood. It was like footprints of leopard or a cheetah. Catherine followed the footprints. She followed the footprints. She reached the backyard of the house. There she saw it was no cheetah or leopard but a wild dog that was eating the flesh of a dead animal. Catherine wondered, "How did this animal come inside the house. Was this a trap to distract me from my goal or is this a clue?" That's when she heard birds chirping in melodioustone. When she turned up she saw two beautiful love birds. They were red in coulour with colourful wings of blue and yellow strips. She saw they were in a golden cage. They were chirping and calling for help. Catherine felt pity on them so she opened the cage and started walking in to look for clue when darkness started to fall on her. She turned up and saw those innocent looking birds were no more tiny and innocent but they became a two faced eagle. Catherine understood that it was her second level but had no idea about how to cross it. Her eyes instantly fell on a pair of forceps stuck on the skin of a wild dog.  She spoke to herself, "Maybe this is the forceps that Mr. John used used to blind mother Mary. If I manage to kill the bird by these pair of forceps then I think I could win." She picked up the forceps which annoyed the dog. The dog came near her and bit her leg badly. To free herself she inserted the forceps in the wild dog's body twice or thrice. The dog fell dead. Then she turned towards the wild eagles but before she could react the bird picked her up in their wings and were about to swallow her but Catherine reacted quick enough again. She inserted the pair of forceps in the eyes of the devilish eagles. As soon as she did that there was a bright light. She understood that unknowingly she crossed the second level. The two innocent birds were lying dead on the ground and the wild birds and the wild dog's dead body disappeared. She affectionately touched the birds when they reduced to golden dust. Catherine was staring at all that was happening. The soul of the two birds were flying in the air. They had a divine look. One of the birds showed her a golden key and said, "We are the magical birds of the enchanted forest. We are supposed to give this key to you but answer this question first, 'What blindfolds the eyes and blocks the mind?' Think! Think!" Catherine took  deep breath and said, "Love! Love doesn't let you see the mean acts of your partner and it blocks the mind. One will never accept anything wrong said about his/her lover. Elsa could have easily found out about John's reality but she was blinded by his love. John's love blocked her mind." Immediately the golden key was given to her. Then  another bird spoke, "Catherine. Please ask us one question." 

Catherine thought for a while and asked, "Where will I find John? His death is the only way to give justice to Elsa." The bird said, "John is dead. He was really greedy. That day after killing Elsa, he was walking back home with some money he stole. At that time he saw us inside the golden cage in the beautiful flower garden behind the villa. Miss Mary hanged our cage in that garden to add up the beauty of the garden. She made the garden a tourist attraction and was earning from that to feed herself and Elsa. We were the magical birds of the enchanted forest. That day John was tired walking in this enchanted forest but wasn't able to get out of here. The more he tried to get out he ended up in the flower garden where he buried Elsa. He was trapped in the forest but still his greed didn't end. He took the cage with him so that he could make money by selling the golden cage and beautiful birds. He carried our cage and was moving out when a wild dog came running towards him and bit him badly on his left leg. He wasn't able to bear the pain and died. The dog started biting him very badly on his entire body and face as it was hungry. Elsa used to take care of all the animals by feeding them food daily but Elsa's death was actually a pathway to the death of all the forest animals because of hunger. He killed the queen of this forest so nature showed no mercy on him. His soul is still dying in pain due to the wounds made on his body by the wild dog. His soul would get free only after Elsa gets justice."

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Loads of love!


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