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When Catherine woke up from her sleep, she saw Elsa sitting beside her with a cup of podridge. She told Catherine, "You have to eat this. Otherwise you may get weak." Catherine just smiled and took the bowl from her. Elsa said to her, "Catherine if you don't mind  I will continue the story today. Mary mom is busy making some clothes for the kids. She dosen't want them to fall sick in this cold weather." Catherine just nodded her head.

 Elsa started narrating the story, "John was a handsome young man with a brown skin and wide chest. He had a good height of around 6'3". I quickly went after the show and said to John, "Hi! I am Elsa! Elsa Williams! I have become a great fan of yours after the show." That's when his manager said, "Employee 3. We are getting late." John said, "Thanks Elsa! Bye I got to go." Elsa immediately said, "Can we meet here at this place tomorrow at evening 5p.m.?" John turned towards his manager. The manager said, "$10 will be cut from your salary for every 15 minutes." John thought for a while and agreed to meet. 

Next day I was waiting for John in my school uniform. It was a short blue skirt with a white full shirt and sleeveless blue jacket. My hair was tied in a ponytail. John came to me and said, "Elsa yesterday you were looking really pretty and even today you look gorgeous. By the way let me introduce myself. I am John Bale." Soon we became good friends. Everyday I would call John to spend time with me for 15 minutes and I would pay him $15 so that he doesn't have to bear the loss. As soon as I completed high school I started dating him. He was 7 years older to me. I truly loved him. When I told Mary mom about our relationship, she was really disappointed. She advised me to forget him and then go abroad for further studies, but I paid no attention to whatever she said. One day I brought him home but Mary mom wasn't home. I served him tea in a very expensive tea set which had 8 glasses and a kettle. The next day when Mary mom was washing the utensils she asked me, "Elsa! Child where is the 8th tea cup from this set?" I got confused about where did the cup go but had no idea John stole it. After that whenever he came home something would disappear but my stupid heart wasn't ready to believe John stole it. One day I came home late with John. Mary mom was waiting for me. That was the first time she met John. However after he dropped me and went home I told Mary mom that I wanted to have a talk with her. She said that she too wanted to have a talk with me and made me sit down beside her. Then she said, "Elsa! You are a brilliant girl. You were the high school topper. You had a dream of getting graduated and then shift abroad for further studies. Please leave John and go ahead with your dream. He isn't worth you. Firstly he is a poor street artist, secondly the age gap between the two of you and third is I don't see honesty in his eyes. My instincts say that he isn't a trustworthy fellow." I just smiled held her hand and gave her the biggest shock of life. I told her that I was pregnant with John's kid. Mary mom was shocked. She just pushed my hands and said, "Elsa! Don't you have any shame or sense. You are just  19. How did you let him do that to you?" She had tears in her eyes. She was really dissatisfied with what I did." 

Elsa had tears in her eyes. She too was regretting for not listening to her mom. Catherine slowly woke up from her bed and held her hand but Catherine's hand passed from within Elsa's hand. Catherine looked towards Elsa when Elsa said, "No Catherine! I am just a soul. You cannot touch me." Catherine pulled her hand back and said, "Elsa! I know you regret of not listening to your mom. My dad also warned me about not marrying Roger but I did'nt listen to him. We can't change the past but we can work together in the present to brighten our future. You help me get out of here. I'll help your soul to reach the heavens." Elsa just smiled and thanked Catherine. Then she put her to bed as she din't want Catherine to take much strain.

Hey readers! I hope you liked this part. Can you believe Elsa was pregnant? Everything was fine between Elsa and John then what do you think happened that John killed her? Did Mary create some misunderstandings between them or was Mary right in suspecting John? Do let me know your views in the comments and don't forget to vote. 

I'll be back soon.



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