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Mary said, "Good! I am happy you agreed. Your first task is to go and bring Elsa here. Remember a soul needs a body to travel from one place to another. This is the reason why I can't go and meet my daughter and she can't come and meet me. You can go whenever you feel good. There is no hurry." Catherine did not see any point in delaying. She wanted to get out of there as early as possible. She got up from the bed and said, "Grandma I'll go right now. What am I supposed to do after reaching the villa?" Mary said, "You need to tell Elsa this code so that she doesn't cause you any harm." Mary whispered something in her ears. Then Mary asked Catherine to let Elsa enter her body and as soon as Elsa does that they must walk back to the cottage. Catherine left the cottage.

She opened the gate of the villa. The sound of the rusted metal gate scared Catherine but still she went in. "Elsa! Elsa! Where are you?", she called. Elsa screamed, "You stole my husband. You didn't let me explain anything and ran away. I hate you. I won't spare you." Catherine immediately said in a melodious tone, "Oh my daughter don't be sad. I am you mom, I am your dad. I am your friend and I love you. Don't be sad I am always there for you"

"Mary mom! Is that you?", asked Elsa. Catherine said, "Elsa you mom is waiting for you. She would like to meet you. Please enter my body so that I can take you to your mom." Elsa said nothing. She came closer to Catherine. Catherine was feeling really nervous. She came closer and closer and entered Catherine's body. 

Catherine's eyes turned red. Her face became pale. Her clothes had blood stains. Elsa's soul started controlling Catherine's body Catherine went to the kitchen, took a pair of scissors and started scratching her face. Then she started growling and crawled out of the villa. She crawled above the sharp stones. Her knees started to bleed but she didn't stop crawling. Soon they reached the cottage. 

Elsa's soul came out of Catherine's body. Catherine felt so weak that she fell down to the floor. Her knees were badly bleeding. " knees are paining", she cried. Mary helped Catherine to get on the bed. "Mary Mom.. I missed you so much" ,Elsa told Mary. Mary told her, "I missed you too sweetie." Then Elsa turned to Catherine and laughed. Then she added, "I am sorry Catherine but I didn't like it that my husband married you. I know you didn't know this before but I couldn't control my anger. Catherine wiped her tears and said, "No need to be sorry Elsa. I am your younger sister and understand your problem well. I am ready to help you in whatever way you want." Elsa said, "Thank you so much Catherine. I am really grateful to you and also I am very sorry for what I did. You are really a very good person. You have a pure heart. I swear I won't cause you any physical harm now."

Hey readers! That's all for this chapter. Hope you liked it. I'll be back with a new chapter soon.


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