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Chris asked Roger and Catherine to sit on the nearby couch and said, "Catherine! Elsa was your elder sister. I know you would be shocked but that's the truth. Actually I am the son of a barber. My dad wasn't able to earn enough. I had to beg or even steal for filling our stomach. One day I met Rosalind. She was 15 when I saw her. Her school was just beside my dad's shop. I was mesmerised  by her beauty. Soon we became friends and stated falling for each other. She was a rich forest officer's daughter but her dad was kind enough and accepted our love. I was working with him for a long time. I never told about my relationship with Rosalind to anybody, rather I took financial support of my father-in-law and established my own business. After the death of my father-in-law I was managing both the business well. One day my dad fixed my marriage with your mother Daisy. He was on his death bed and I wasn't able to say no so I married Daisy as well. Then I was burdened not only with two business but also with two families. Elsa was the daughter of me and Rosalind. I wanted to get rid of either Daisy or Rosalind but I chose to stay with Daisy as our relationship was official. My marriage with Rosalind was not official. I planned a nice business trip. I deliberately drove the car of the cliff. I made all arrangements to jump of the car with the help of parachute when the car would fall. In this way I got rid of Rosalind. Then I killed our office servant, bruised his face, made him wear my clothes and made him sit on the driver seat. Thus I was considered dead in the accident. I didn't want my beloved daughter Elsa to die but fate gave her such a painful death." He started to cry.

Catherine was speechless. She too had tears in her eyes. Elsa whom she considered as her sister was actually her half sister. Before Catherine said anything Chris said, "I curse poor people not because I hate them but because their poverty reminds me of my childhood and my first wife Rosalind. I wish I was born rich. I wouldn't have married Rosalind for money and ruined her life. I am really Sorry Catherine. I hope you would forgive your dad. However god gave me my punishment. I am suffering from a lung disease because of excessive alcohol consumption and am about to die. I hope you won't stay upset with your dad till he is alive." Catherine simply nodded her head. She was really angry on her dad that he never told her the truth and he cheated her mother as well as her step mother but she didn't want to disappoint a person who didn't have much time to live.

Hey readers! Hope you liked the chapter. Now there is just one more chapter left to publish. It is like a closing chapter to end my story. I could have included it in this chapter but I didn't want the chapter to be very long.

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