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Next morning Catherine woke up Roger and said, "Roger we don't have any groceries. What are we going to eat today?" Roger said, "Darling! I did not get any sleep yesterday night. Let me rest for a few minutes then I will go out to buy groceries." Catherine just frowned and said, "Fine!" Then she murmured to herself, "If we weren't so far from the city I would have myself gone out and brought groceries." Roger felt irritated by what she said and woke up. He said aloud to himself, "These ladies don't let us stay peacefully." He quickly got ready and they both went downstairs. They were stunned to see the dining table decorated with lots of tasty dishes. Catherine was really happy. She hugged Roger and said, "Honey! I am sorry for being rude to you this morning. You have done so much for me. I really love you and will never get angry on you again." Roger now started to feel something suspicious. They both sat on the table to eat. Roger decided to tell her about all the decorations happening on its own and also about his bad dream. He took these things as a warning that they should leave the villa as early as possible.  

Suddenly Catherine heard a voice, "Good Morning ma'am! I am Elsa, the caretaker of this villa. I hope you liked all the food that I've prepared and also the bedroom decoration yesterday night." Catherine smiled and said, "I loved it Elsa. I have no words to appreciate your efforts." Elsa said, "Thank you ma'am! You and sir continue your breakfast while I'll go and start preparing for the lunch." Catherine said, "Thank you Elsa!" and she she started eating her breakfast.

Since then Roger did not experience anything weird nor did he have any bad dreams. He started working on his latest song as his dream was always to be a song composer and Catherine started developing a good bond with Elsa. They worked together in the kitchen all day and chit chatted about different things. In this way Roger and Catherine spent 15 days together.

One morning Roger came to Catherine and told her, "Darling! I have a good as well as bad news for you." Catherine smiled and said, "Tell the good one first." Roger told her that the song he had composed had been selected. Then he told her the bad news that he had leave to Italy immediately for 3 days due to this. Catherine was so happy. She said to Roger, "Even if you leave for 10 days, I will be happy. After you come back we can leave this villa and buy a small house which you can afford in the city and we can even take El.." When Elsa interrupted them. She said, "Ma'am what should I prepare for lunch today." Catherine was upset. She told Elsa to not enter their room without knocking on the door. Elsa apologised and left. Then Catherine told Roger, "Best of luck my love. I am sure you would succeed." Roger kissed her forehead and said, "I love you!" Catherine said, "I love you too!" Roger left the house.

I hope you liked this part. Please vote this chapter if you liked it. It boosts my confidence to write better. I would catch up with you readers in the next part. 




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