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Catherine was happy that she brought a daughter close to her mother. After all Catherine could understand Elsa's pain of staying away from her mother well as her childhood too had passed without a mother. Mary turned towards Catherine and said, " We would let you know about your task but for that you need to listen to our story first." Catherine said, "Ok grandma" and she lied on the bed. Mary sat beside her caressing her hair and Elsa was walking here and there in the room. 

Mary started narrating, "Elsa Williams, daughter of the richest businessman of the country and grand daughter of a very brave forest officer. My Elsa was the only child of her parents. Elsa's grand father was a brave forest officer and owned this forest. It was a gift for him by the government when he retired from work for his bravery. His son that is Elsa's dad had a business of ayurvedic medicines and my husband was his most trusted employee. My husband helped Elsa's dad in extracting medicines from the plants in this forest. I had a son David. David helped them in exporting the medicines to their factory so that the manufacturing process could take place and also deliver the medicines to people when someone ordered it. One day when Elsa was just 3 years old a terrible accident took place. I was at home with Elsa that day. I was her caretaker. My husband, David and Elsa's parents had gone out of town for a business trip. They were going to return that day. I prepared dinner for them kept it on the table and slept with Elsa. The next morning when I woke up I was shocked to see the food untouched on the table. I started to feel worried about them. It was a weekend so Elsa had an off from her kindergarten so I took her with me and went to search for them. After walking for 45 minutes I found their  car in a pit near the mountain and saw all 4 of them dead inside the car. I slowly took the bodies, buried them with due respect and then when I took a close look at the car, I saw a bag with 10,000,000 $ cash. I took the bag of money and used it for Elsa's education. She was home-schooled till she was 16. After completing schooling she went to the town for high school.  Elsa was about to pass out from high school. It was their last day and they had a farewell party. Elsa beautifully got ready in a yellow frock and her curly hair tied in a ponytail with the help of a yellow hair tie. She wore small yellow earrings and a yellow chain. She looked really beautiful. After all the fun and dance, Elsa's principal said that he had called some street artists to conclude the show. John was one of those street artists. He was really talented. He walked on the rope with one leg, skated with hands and even performed a fire show for them. Elsa who was sitting on the first row instantly fell for him." 

Catherine started to feel tired. She started to close her eyes. Mary paused the story and told her to take rest. She thanked Mary and immediately fell asleep.

Hey readers! How did you like the part? I am really sorry I wasn't able to update you. I had throat infection and was not in a mood to work.

Well this is not it. The flashback is quite long. It might take two or three chapters to complete the flashback. I hope you are liking the way of my writing and the story. If you feel I need to make any changes, please do let me know. If you won't let me know my mistakes and errors how would I be able to improve my quality of story? I would appreciate critic views but of course NO INSULTS! You are free to express any view about this story. And please don't remain silent. If you are liking it then please please please vote and comment.

I will be back with a new chapter soon. Till then STAY HOME! STAY SAFE!



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