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Roger was really kind at heart so he quickly took some leaves and made a shape of bowl from it. Then he filled water in it and followed the sound. He saw a small cottage where a dim lamp was lit. He entered it and saw a old lady in her 80's or 90's lying there. She wore a white dress which was covered with dust. Her grey hair was all messy. Her face was wrinkled. Her lips were shrunken and her eye sockets were empty Roger quickly gave her the water he had brought. She drank it and then spoke, "Child I don't know who are you but you are really kind at heart. You tried to save my life. I wish all your wishes are fulfilled." Roger spoke, "Grandma please guide me out of this forest. I request." She again spoke in a low tone, "Child just walk straight from this cottage door. No lefts and no right. Only straight and you would be out of the forest and I have a gift for you. This cottage now belongs to you. Open the drawer and take the property papers and remember this mansion belongs" and she died. " had no family. I found one family member and you left me so abruptly...grandma", Roger cried a lot. Then he buried her body near a tree just beside the cottage shed a few tears and went to the cottage. He found two property papers one of cottage and other of the mansion. He thought the lady had gifted him both and was really happy. He explored around the mansion which he thought was sufficient to fulfil Chris's demand. He thanked Christ and left the cottage and before leaving bowed in front of the old lady's small grave. He followed her instructions and was going out of the forest when he heard a sound, "I will kill you John! I will kill you. You cannot take the mansion. I will kill you" but Roger was so happy that he ignored all those voices. He finally came out of the forest.

Hey all! I know I wasn't able to update since a long time.
Actually my boards as well as competitive exams were over my head that I decided to focus on my studies first.
Now as my exams are postponed because of the pandemic I would try to update the chapters at least once in the week but please show support for my story and don't discontinue reading it. The horror part would arrive from maybe in next chapter or after that.
Please show your support by votes or comments. Every vote inspires me to think about better stories. Please! 🙏


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