Chapter 4

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Chris thought for a while and then said, "OK dear! If you have decided that you are going to get married then I won't stop you but before that I would like to have a word with your boyfriend. Catherine just hugged her dad and said, "Thank you so much dad. I love you." Saying that she left.
Chris kept his hands over Roger's shoulders and said, "Come son let's go to the hall and have a nice time together." Chris and Roger went to the hall. It was nearly 8 in the evening. The hall was beautifully lighted. Roger was amazed to see that. Chris said, "Would you like to have some drinks." Roger said, "No sir! Thanks but I don't drink." "Oh! Sorry I forgot, poor people can't afford them but don't worry you won't remain poor anymore", said Chris. Roger surprisingly said, "Sorry sir I didn't get you." Chris smiled and pushed a bag towards him. "What's this sir?", asked Roger. To that Chris replied,"$100 million. Take this and leave the city tomorrow before sunrise with your family. You don't need to mend shoes anymore. Live a luxurious life. Best of luck my son." Roger just pushed the bag to Chris and said, "I truly love Catherine and not her money. Please let us get married." To this Chris said, "Catherine is my only daughter. Her mom died in a road accident when she was 2. I didn't remarry, rather I brought her up alone, gave her the love of a mom as well as dad. I never let her shed a single tear and she loves me too. You are her boyfriend since 6 months. Just 6 months. I love my daughter since last 25 years so she would believe me if I say Roger ran away from the city. I would get her married to a billionaire and yes I have a deal for you. If you wish to marry Catherine arrange a bungalow where you would make Catherine live. It should be at least the size of this bungalow as my daughter won't leave in your dirty slum. I cannot let her be the wife of someone who couldn't even arrange good clothes for a day. A beggar covered in rags can't marry my daughter. If you agree to my condition leave now. You will have to arrange the bungalow by tomorrow 9p.m. otherwise tell your family members to prepare for your last rites and if you don't want to die take this $100 million and leave this city." Roger thought for a while and replied, "Sir I don't have a family. Catherine is the only one for me in this world so please inform her to wait for me tomorrow in the church in the wedding dress and also inform her to prepare for my last rites. If I succeed in fulfilling your condition I will marry her otherwise you kill me and then you and Catherine perform my last rites for the peace of my soul. I am leaving right now sir. I seek your blessings." Roger left and Chris smiled to himself and then murmured, "Poor people! Poor mentality! Idiot boy is sure to die tomorrow." 

Hey friends! So how is this chapter? Do you think Roger can arrange for a bungalow? Is Chris's demand going to put his beloved daughter or Roger in trouble? Please let me know your views and opinion about the story till now and don't forget to vote.

Lots of love

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