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When Catherine entered the villa it was pitch dark. She had no idea where to start from. Suddenly she heard the sound of a guitar. She followed the sound. She wasn't able to see a thing. Her face sometimes got stuck in some cobwebs and sometimes she would bang into some table but she didn't consider them as a pain and kept walking. She heard hissing of snakes but paid no heed to them as she had to reach the sound before it stopped. She knew it that someway or the other the sound was a clue to give justice to Elsa. While walking she banged to a door. Catherine slowly opened the door and saw a small room illuminated with a candle in between it. She entered that room. The sound became louder but there was no source of it. She began to look all around the room, near the candles, under the table but it was useless. She decided to give a last try that was behind the walls. She kept her ears near the wall and began to hear but got nothing more than disappointment. Finally she decided to walk out when she tripped and fell. That's when she noticed a small crack on the floor. She slowly put her hands on the crack and suddenly the floor split apart. Below the floor was a staircase. 

"A hidden room!", she exclaimed with joy. She walked down the steps. The melodious sound was striking her ears. After every step it became louder and louder and louder. The end of the staircase led her to a wooden door. She pushed the door and saw a fully illuminated room. The room was empty except for a dressing table and huge mirror. She went closer and saw her reflection in the mirror. The music of the guitar was constantly going in her ears. As soon as she saw in the mirror, instead of her reflection, she saw Roger. He was wearing an old style hat and had a thin moustache. He looked a bit different than the Roger she had married. He had the same face but was dressed up in old style clothes, the style which was popular 10 to 15 years ago. Roger had a guitar in his hand which he was playing. Elsa was sitting on the chair near the dressing table. She was wearing a green frock. She looked really pretty and young. She was smiling at the reflection of her and her fiancé John which she saw in the mirror.

Catherine turned around but saw no one. Then she again saw in the mirror but saw nothing more than her reflection. She placed her hands on the mirror and cried, "Why did you cheat me Roger?" Suddenly the guitar sound stopped and the lights went off. Catherine was really scared. "Oh Christ!", she said and held her cross locket. She immediately heard a conversation and even saw the reactions of Elsa and Roger. Elsa woke up from her seat and went to hug Roger and she said, "John! I am really scared. No lights." He hugged her back and said, "My love! Don't worry I am always there for you." He slowly took out her chain and kept it in his pocket but Elsa didn't come to know. Catherine's mind had only hatred for Roger. Then he lit a matchstick, took it in front of Elsa's face and then said, "I can't live without electricity because darkness restricts me from seeing your beautiful face. I die to see you from this beautiful mirror which I feel is the second most beautiful thing in this world because first most beautiful is you. Everyday when I see you dressing up in this mirror I just forget everything else. Love you beautiful!" Elsa blushed with shyness and looked away. John kissed her forehead. Elsa gave a smile to John and said, "You are quite elder to me John. I've always dreamt of finding a prince of my dreams who would be somewhat similar to my age so that he could understand me but you made me realise that to understand someone it is not necessary to be of the same age but it is necessary to have a heart of gold like you. You proved that no age barrier can stop two lovers from coming together. I will always remember you John. This beautiful mirror will always be with me as a memory of you whenever you are absent."

Catherine started to think that what should she do now when she suddenly remembered about what Elsa told her. Elsa once told Catherine that she wants every memory of John to be destroyed. She started to think what she could do to destroy memory of John when the lights were suddenly back and Catherine's eyes immediately fell towards the mirror. She said to herself, "If I destroy this mirror maybe I could win this challenge." She started looking around for something she could use to destroy the mirror when she found the wooden box in which she kept the painting pieces. She took the box and banged on the mirror. Nothing happened. She gave a second blow and that was a harder one and the glass mirror shattered to pieces.

Hey readers! I am back after a long time. I am really sorry that there is so much of time gap between two chapters I update but I really cannot help it. My college entrances and admission tests are going on. I am so stressed out. I am slowly going into depression because of this pandemic. Every year all the exams are over by the month of April-May and college starts in the month of June-July and this year the admission forms are also not out. I really regret of taking science. My coaching class people are also torturing me like anything by taking tests every alternate days and each paper is at least of 3 hours. I have no idea where my life will lead me. Which career option I need to take. 

I started story writing just as a hobby and a stress reliver. I try my best to give my reader the best essence of my imagination in the form of stories. Kindly show your support by voting and commenting as much as possible. After all writing stories is my only outlet for reliving me from stress. "HOPE YOU UNSERSTAND"



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