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Though Catherine was slightly upset upon not getting to know it was which hour of the day, yet she never complained much because she was amazed by the beautiful hall of the villa. It was full of different paintings and Catherine who was brilliant artist fell in love with them. Whenever she got time she would stare at those paintings. She had a desire to be a brilliant artist but she sacrificed her dreams for her love Roger. Especially she was obsessed with the painting of a ring. All the time she would move her fingers through that painting and appreciate its beauty and the talent of the artist.

One day Catherine decided to clean all the paintings as they were really dusty. She cleaned all the paintings with a rough cloth and finally came to her favourite painting of the ring. While cleaning the glass painting fell down and broke into pieces. "No.... My painting!", she cried and at the same time she heard another voice, "No... My painting!" Catherine felt weird for a minute but she ignored it thinking that it must be echo of her own voice. With broken heart she started cleaning the glass pieces when she saw a wooden box of heart shape on the table. She thought to herself. "What a beautiful box, but I have never seen this here before!" Immediately an idea struck her mind. She collected each and every piece of glass and kept in the empty box. Then she kept the box safely in a drawer as the memory of that painting.

Hey Readers! How did you like the chapter? Do you think that the painting has something to do with the ghost of the villa? And till now Catherine hasn't faced any trouble so do you think there is any ghost in the villa? Please let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote.

I'll be back with a new chapter soon. Stay tuned to know about all the mysteries. 




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