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Roger left the house murmuring to himself, "That idiot old man. How on earth could someone earn $400 million in a single day. Catherine thinks her dad to be an angel but she doesn't know deep inside he is a devil. A true devil. He keeps on insulting the poor. We are poor because of these rich people. They establish big air conditioned stores where they sell the same clothes which tailors stitch, the same shoes which cobblers make and that also in many times the original price. People are attracted to the outer appearance of the shops and buy from them. This makes the rich more rich and the poor more poor then they blame us for being poor. Idiot people." Roger was so deeply lost in his thoughts about the rich-poor difference that he didn't know when did he enter the woods in the outskirts of the city. When he realised where he was it was already too late. He was already deep inside the forest. Not even a bit of light entered the forest. He spoke to himself, "Where the hell am I? Is this a cave or something?" That's when he bumped into a tree and he realised he was inside the forest. Roger didn't know what to do and where to go. He then thought, "However I am going to die. I would surely not be able to buy a mansion and would be killed by that Chris tomorrow. So I better die in this dark forest in hunger and thirst." So he just lied down under the tree and then screamed at the top of his voice, "Catherine I love you. I know you can't hear me but please forgive your love. I won't be able to make it up tomorrow. I am sorry. I love you." And then Roger closed his eyes. Suddenly a branch fell on him. That struck him with a idea. He lit the branch with a matchstick that he had in his pocket and started finding the way out. He was very thirsty. He had been walking for 4 hours continuously. So he started looking for water first. Soon he found a lake. He went near it to take a sip when he heard a sound, "Water! Please give me some water." He ignored it and started drinking again but again the same sound struck his ears, "Please give me some water." Roger was really confused what to do.

Hey friends! Wish you all a very Happy Diwali.
So how did you like the chapter? Whom do you think was asking for water? How could someone. survive in a place without light? Please let me know in the comments and please don't forget to vote.

Lots of love

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