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It was a pleasant morning. Cool breeze was flowing. Catherine was sitting in her room's balcony and was enjoying her coffee. The sound of flow of river beside the villa was soothing to hear. That was when Emily came in and said, "Good Morning madam! Sorry to disturb you but you have got a call." Catherine irritatedly asked, "Who is that early in the morning?" She said,"Mam it is the cobbler, 'Mr. Roger'. He is saying that your red shoes are ready and when he should come to deliver it?" Catherine instantly had a smile on her face. She put the mug aside and said, "Emily you leave. I would like to talk to that cobbler myself." "As you wish Madam", she said and left the room.

Catherine went and picked the call and spoke,"Hello darling I hope you are prepared to talk to my dad." Actually the red shoes were just a code word for Catherine to come to know that her boyfriend Roger is on the line.
Roger spoke," No dear I am worried. I can't even earn enough to fill my own stomach. I am afraid that I can't keep you happy."
Catherine smiled and said, "Roger happiness is not always money. You just come and talk dad."
Roger; "But do you think he would agree? I am really afraid love."
Catherine answered,"Someday or the other you will have to speak up. Don't worry. Dad would surely agree. After all his happiness is my happiness and you are my happiness. So please come today evening if you truly love me."
She hanged up the call. There was a trust in one corner of her heart that he would show up.

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