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Roger came close to Catherine and said, "I really feel bad for John. He had to suffer so much for me and my mom. I am happy that his soul got peace at last. He never used any money for himself. He worked extra hours to make me study and treat mom but mom's conditions worsened day after day. Two days after waiting for John I went to the police station to complaint about him being missing but the police said that we poor are thieves and he won't lodge my complaint. The society forces us to be poor. People call us thieves though we did nothing wrong. This judgement and discrimination forces us to be poor and thus steal to fill our stomach."

Catherine said, "Dad! No more conditions. I won't stay in any possessed villa now. Roger is my love and I will stay with him in his house even though it is a slum. I forgave you for your misdeeds but one more word against Roger, I'll forget that you are my dad." Chris said, "No need of that child. Roger succeeded in his life. He brought a small one storeyed house from the money he earned for you. I am happy for you my child." Chris took Catherine's hand and gave it in the hands of Roger. He realised his mistake.

Catherine thanked Chris and she took Roger and Chris to Emily and made them meet Jim and Jenny. They were really happy to meet Jim and Jenny. The next day Catherine celebrated her birthday with her husband, dad and kids. She got happiness in her life after a long time. After all the tiring celebration Chris called Roger and Catherine close to him and said, "Catherine! I have spent enough time with you. I think now its time for me to give Elsa her share of love. Roger! Sorry that I mistreated you. Take care of Catherine and my grandchildren." Catherine hugged him and cried, "No dad! Mom left me, Mary mom left me, Elsa left me, you can't leave me dad." But it was too late. Chris's health was already at its worst condition but he never showed his pain to anyone. He peacefully died in Catherine's arms. Catherine buried his body in the flower garden with Elsa and John. Then she built an orphanage in the land of the enchanted forest by the name of Elsa with all the money she had.

Since then Catherine lived happily ever after with her kids and husband in his one storeyed cottage....


Hey readers! Finally this story comes to an end. I am sorry for making this chapter a bit long. By the way how did you like the entire plot? Is it good or is there any changes that I need to make? Please do let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote.



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