When it all began...

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You have just entered your hotel. I hope this is going to be a fun vacation. I really need a break from everything, you think to yourself. You check in at the front desk. "Here's your room key, miss," says the employee as he hands it to you.

"Thank you," you reply, taking the key from him. You make your way over to the elevators and press the up button. As you're waiting, you look over and notice a group of attractive teenage guys goofing off nearby. Wow . . . They're really hot! you think to yourself. Hopefully I'll see them around during my vacation.

Just then, the elevator arrives. The guys join you as you enter it. "What floor?" a blonde tall British boy asks. Oh my gosh! He's British! Just when I thought he couldn't be any hotter.

Realizing you still haven't answered him, you quickly reply, "10." He pushes the button for you, and the long ascent begins. *beep* Floor 1. Just 9 more to go, you think. You feel the awkward level rising with each beep as no one says anything. *beep* 8 more. But then, the elevator stops. What the heck?

"Hey! What's going on?" a cute brunette says.

"I don't know. I think the lift stopped," says the British boy.

"No duh, sherlock," calls out a handsome Asian. You laugh quietly to yourself, enjoying their banter. The British boy keeps pushing the elevator buttons, but nothing is working.

"Guess we're bloody stuck in here."

We're stuck?! Remain calm . . . Remain calm, (y/n). It could be worse, right? At least I'm stuck in here with some attractive guys.

"Well, if we're going to be stuck here, we might as well make it interesting," says the brunette. He walks up to you. "How much does a polar bear weigh?" he asks you.

"Ummm I don't know."

"Enough to break the ice! Hi! I'm Dylan O'Brien." Everyone in the elevator starts to laugh.

"Hi, Dylan. I'm (y/n)."

"I bet I could do better, Dylan," challenges the Asian. He saunters over to you, throwing his arm over your shoulder. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you have the face of an angel. Hi! I'm Ki Hong Lee." You start to blush.

"Aww! She's blushing!" one of them calls out, causing you to blush even more. They all start to laugh.

Then, the blonde British one speaks up, "Guys! You're embarrassing her! Besides, if you have real class, like me, you wouldn't even need pickup lines. For example," he turns to you, "I think you're absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't help myself. I had to come talk to you. Hi. My name is Thomas Brodie-Sangster."

"You all are too cute," you respond, beaming. They all laugh.

"What should we do now?" Dylan asks.

"How about a mini video?" We all agree. Ki Hong pulls out his phone and starts recording, "Woo! We're stuck in a lift!" Everyone starts to cheer.

"Wait! It's moving!" someone calls out. You look and notice that now you're on floor 4. One of the guys starts to whistle.

"Now we're stuck at 4! Man, we're really stuck." We all laugh. He stops recording and puts away his phone. You and the guys are stuck in there for awhile. You all talk about everything, laugh a ton, and become fast friends. Eventually, the elevator makes it your floor.

"This my floor, guys. It was nice to meet you all!" A chorus of "Awww"s are heard throughout the elevator.

"Wait! Before you go, can I have your number? Maybe we can hang out later." Dylan says, winking at you. You're in shock. Did he really just ask you that?

"Uh, yeah! Sure!" While exchanging phone numbers, the other guys ask for your number as well. After you give it to them, you turn to leave. "Bye, everyone! Text me!"

You hear, "Will do!" "Definitely!" and "Of course!" Then, you walk to your room with the guys on your mind.

I may have been stuck in an elevator, but I would rather been stuck in there than to never had met them.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now