Splashes and A Hero

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"How could you Dylan?!" you screech. He's laughing extremely hard next to you.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), but that was hilarious."

You glare at him, "Yeah. I'm laughing so hard."

"Aww! C'mon (y/n)! Don't be mad!" he pleads. You continue to glare at him. "Hug?" he asks. He walks towards you with his arms out stretched and embraces you. Now, it's time for revenge . . .

You jump onto him and dunk him underwater. Once he resurfaces, he yells, "I thought we were cool!" You are laughing too hard to respond.

"You asked for it," he warns. Dylan splashes you in retaliation, and next thing you know, it's an all out war.  The other guys waded into the ocean to join.

After everyone called a truce, you announce that you are going to take a walk on the beach.

"I'll come with you!" Thomas says.

Once you two reach the shore, you begin your walk with Thomas. "Wait!" you say.

"What?" he asks.

"I need to go grab my sunglasses."

"I'll get them for you!"

"No! You don't have to."

"I need to get mine anyway. I'll be right back." You stand there waiting for him, and a guy around your age comes up to you.

"Hey, babe. Wanna come back with me?"

"In your dreams," you respond, turning away from him.

"Feisty. I like it," he smirks. "Why don't you just give me a chance, babe? I could be the best thing that happens to you," he says, wrapping an arm around your waist. He makes you feel so uncomfortable.

"Stop calling me babe, and don't touch me. I don't even know you!" You try to pry his arm off you, but he tightens his grip. "Let go of me!"

"I'd rather not." He replies, smirking again.

If he smirks one more time I swear . . .

"She said to bloody let go."

The guy, without loosening his grip, turns around to face Thomas, who has just returned. "Make me," he challenges.

"If you say so." Thomas is on the guy in a heartbeat, punching him right in the mouth and wiping that gross smirk right off the stranger's face. The guy runs off, scared. "Let's go, (y/n)," Thomas says, grabbing your hand.

"Thank you so much for what you did back there, Thomas."

"I'm just glad I was there to help."

"Me too," you reply, shooting him a smile.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now