Ferris Wheel of Love

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"The number is 20!" you say. "So Dylan will go first then Thomas then Ki Hong." Dylan pumps his fist in the air in excitement, while the other two look slightly disappointed.

Then a look of determination appears on his face, and he says, "Prepare to have one of the most fun night of your life!"

Laughing, you respond, "We'll see." After saying goodbye to the guys, you go back to your room (making sure to not take the elevator) and prepare for your date.

That night, Dylan calls you. "Are you ready?"

"Yup! Come down to my room whenever," you reply.

"Ok. I'll come down now."

"Sounds good! See you in a few!" You both hang up, and a few minutes later you hear knocking at your door. You open it.

"Hey, Dylan!"

"Hey beautiful! Ready to have an amazing time?"

"Of course!" He grabs your hand, leading you to his car.

"What's the plan?" you ask.

"You'll see soon enough..." As he drives you to wherever he's taking you, he turns up the music, singing and dancing goofily along with the songs. You can't help but giggle and soon enough you've joined in as well.

You two have been on the road for about half an hour when Dylan says to close your eyes. You shut them and start to wonder where he's taking you. "WE'RE HERE!!!!" he shouts. You open your eyes, widening them as you take in the sight before you.

"An amusement park aka my favorite place ever?!" Dylan smiles.

"Do you like my choice?"

"Yeah!!! We're gonna have a blast!"

"Yeah we are!" Dylan holds you hand, taking you inside the park.

"Let's get started then!" First, you two went on some rides, saving your favorite, the Ferris Wheel, for last. After getting situated inside, the ascent begins.

(Y/n) looks so beautiful. There's this excited gleam in her eye as she scans the scenery below. I can't help but stare at her. Luckily she doesn't notice. "It looks so beautiful!" she says, marveling at the neon lights down below. "Not as beautiful as you..." I reply. She looks over at me with that gorgeous smile of hers, making me go weak in the knees. If I could live in this moment forever, I would. You know I might not get another opportunity to have her to myself. Maybe I should kiss her . . .

Dylan starts to lean in. Do I want to do this? What if I end up not choosing him? you think to yourself. Gazing at his face, you take in his adorable features, his gorgeous eyes, his perfect lips . . .

Next thing you realize, his lips are pressed onto yours. You hesitate but start to kiss back. The kiss takes you to another world. You forget Ki Hong and Thomas and feel yourself falling for Dylan. You both pull away and smile. He wraps his arm around your waist, and you rest your head on him, taking in the moment.

After the ride ends, you two grab some ice cream and head home. Dylan pulls up to the front of the hotel to drop you off. As you're about to leave, you notice there's some ice cream on the corner of his mouth. You start to giggle.

"What?" Dylan asks.

"You have some ice cream on your face." He tries to lick it off but keeps missing it. Chuckling, you say, "Here let me help you." You take your thumb and wipe it off. "All better!" you chirp, smiling. He grabs your hand and kisses it.

"Thanks," he replies. He's staring into your eyes and starts to lean in again. Just as he's about to kiss your lips, you turn your head, causing him to kiss your cheek. He looks shocked. You just wink and say, "I had a lot of fun tonight." You exit the car and make your way to the hotel. He watches you go inside. You turn around and blow a kiss to him before entering.

"What is this girl doing to me?" Dylan says to himself, grinning, as he goes to park the car.

A/N: Thank you so much for 500 reads!

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now