A Confession

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Oh shoot! He's leaning in! What do I do? I can't kiss two guys! No matter how cute Thomas is... you think to yourself. Before you realize it, his lips are on yours. You can't help but kiss back. The kiss is sweet and gentle, just like Thomas himself. You lose yourself in the moment. All your thoughts are whisked away, including Dylan and Ki Hong. You're stuck in the here and now, with his hands caressing your cheeks, and his lips on yours. You both pull away and look lovingly in each other's eyes. He lies down, and you follow. He grabs your hand and holds it as you two star gaze. Since you're by the ocean, it gets cold quickly. Thomas notices and pulls you close to him, putting his arm around you. "Better?" he asks.

"Better," you respond, smiling and taking in his body heat. As you two cuddle, he points out different constellations he knows. You just nod and stare at him, watch his face light up in fascination at the stars above.

"Those three stars are part of the constellation, Orien. They make it look like he's wearing a belt, so they're called Orien's belt." As it gets later, you can't help but get tired, but you don't want tonight to end. You try to stay awake, but between the calming sound of the waves, Thomas' soothing voice, and the warmth and security he gives you, you close your eyes, on the verge of sleep. Thomas notices, and thinking you're completely asleep, whispers, "These stars are beautiful and all, but they would never compare to you. You're the star in my life, the sun to my solar system. You're my world, my universe, and I hope one day I'll have the courage to say it to you when you're not asleep."

You can't help but smile. "You just did."

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now