Night at the Club

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Will starts to play with the hem of your tiny dress, and you're terrified.

"H-how about we wait till after t-the club?" you suggest, wanting to put off the pain for as long as you can.

Will's eyes flash with anger, and he pulls away from you. "Why?! Do you not want me??"

"N-no! Um . . ." Think, (y/n). Think! "I-I just wanted to show you the surprise after it." You try to muster a sexy look, hoping he'll believe the lie.

Will doesn't suspect it and smirks. "What do you have in mind?"

"I don't want to ruin the surprise. All you need to know is that it involves you and me."

"I like this mysterious (y/n). Alright then, let's go." He turns around to lead the way, and you sigh in relief.

*************TIME SKIP*****************

You two arrive at the club, and you have been trying to think hard of what your surprise will be. As you wait in line, you decide the only thing he would like would be if you were dominant tonight. You cringe. It's the only way he'd let me out of that hell hole for once. This will only work if I get drunk enough.

Eventually, you two make it to the front of the line. The bouncer starts eyeing you, "Why don't you leave this boy and see what a real man can do?" he smirks. You have to restrain Will from beating up the bouncer.

"Will, just let it go. I'm not going to leave you." Because I don't have a choice. Will calms down and smiles. He smacks your butt and kisses you hard on the lips.

"You heard her, pal. She's all mine." The bouncer scowls.

"Just get out of my sight." You two run inside and sit in a booth.

"Will, I want to get drunk tonight."

"I like the way you think," he kisses your neck and goes to get some drinks.

While you're alone, a drunk guy slides in next to you, "Long time no seeee."

You roll your eyes, but when you turn to look at him, you realize it's Ki Hong. You start to panic. "Ki Hong you need to leave now!"

"S-s-s-sloooooow down babe. I'll take you home laterrrr."

"Ki Hong you need to listen to me! Will will be back any minute, and I don't know what he'll do to the both of us if he sees you here."

"Whoooo's Willlll?"

You start to get really frustrated, "Will! My insane ex-boyfriend!"

"If he's your ex, why're you here with him??" Ki Hong laughs.

Should I tell him? Maybe he could save me! No . . . I can't risk him getting hurt.  "It's a long story, but um . . . I think that girl wants to dance with you." You point to a random girl in the crowd, hoping he'll buy it and leave.

"Ooooooooooo see ya later heartbreaker!" Ki Hong laughs as he runs off.

Although he's drunk, you took it to heart. Did I really break his heart? Will comes back with the drinks. I just want to forget it all. "Thanks, Will." You muster a smile.

"Call me Daddy tonight. It'll be sexier." You cringe and drink your drink in one gulp. You already start to feel a bit happier.

"Whatever you want."

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now