As Much As I Want To I Can't

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Thomas laughs a little and leans over, kissing the top of your head. "I guess my secret is out." He looks into your eyes, searching for something. You realize he's waiting for you to say it back.

"Thomas... I can't..."

Looking slightly hurt, he responds, "It's ok. I get it..." He removes his hand from your waist and stands up.

"It's late. We should go home," he says. You stand up too and help him gather the picnic supplies. Carrying the blanket and basket, he starts to walk away.

You grab his hand, saying "Thomas, look at me." He looks over at you, and you continue. "I just want you to know that I do love you. I'm just confused right now because I also love Dylan and Ki Hong..." You step closer, looking into his eyes, and peck his lips.

"No matter what happens promise me that you will remember that I do love you..." He doesn't respond. You sadly let go of his hand and start to walk back to the hotel.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Turning around, you see Thomas running over to you.

"I promise, and I want you to know that no matter what I will always love you too." He leans in and kisses you with passion, knowing that it could be the last time he could. You kiss back with the same passion, running your fingers through his hair. After a couple minutes, you two break away, gasping for air, smiling at each other. He leads you back to your room. You give him a kiss goodnight before closing the door.

(Y/N) POV:
What am I going to do?! I love all of them so much! These dates are supposed to indict which one I should choose, but instead it's making the choices harder! Ugh! You collapse on your bed, covering your head with your pillow. Suddenly, you hear phone buzz. You check your phone. Thomas had sent a text saying, "I know you're probably very conflicted about who to choose already, even though you haven't gone on a date with Ki Hong yet. I just wanted to say thank you for the best night of my life, and if you don't choose me, I will wait for you. <3 Goodnight, love.

I just sent her the text. My phone says she's read it, but I don't expect a response. I walk into the room quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I don't want the other guys to bombard me with questions. I'm almost at my room when I hear. "Dylan! The love bird has returned."

Dylan comes out of his room, asking, "How was it?" I reminisce about our date.

"It was amazing..." I think about her now. How can one girl be so perfect? "She's amazing...

Ki Hong responds, "Sounds like you're in love. Well, join the club." I glare at him and walk into my room, shutting the door behind me. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out, and get butterflies when I see (y/n)'s name. She says, "Thank you for understanding. I had an amazing time with you. You're a great guy, Thomas. ❤️ Goodnight and Ttylxox" I smile. She had an amazing time too, and she called me a great guy!

Seems like Thomas is head over heels for her. I can't lie and say that I'm not, but I'm just better at hiding it. I had to go and open my big mouth. Now, I won't be able to judge how much she liked the date...and him. I really have to step up my game.

He's in love too. I wish I knew what (y/n) was thinking. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me. Maybe being the first date wasn't a good move...

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now