Things Get Heated

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"I am sick and tired of you thinking you can just waltz back into my life and that I'll just take you back when you do. Well news flash! I don't love you anymore, and I never will!" Will's grip on your arm tightens.

"You don't mean that..."

"Every word." Will's face becomes a deep crimson, which you have seen happen one other time - when you broke up with him. His voice becomes a deathly calm, causing shivers to run down your spine.

"You don't mean that," he repeats. You stand your ground.

"Why not? I have every right to after the way you treated me." You notice Will starts to visibly shake from the anger he is holding back, and you know that you handled this situation wrong. This is about to get ugly, fast.

He drags you in front of him until your face is inches from his. He yells at the top of his lungs, "YOU ARE MINE! YOU CAN'T SAY YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" You know that he is about to become very violent and that it is imperative you call him down.

"We should talk about this later when you're level headed." You try to pull away, but his grip is like iron.

"NO WE TALK ABOUT THIS NOW!" He turns his face away from you to calm himself down. When he turns back, he seems to be studying you.

I can't believe I found her again. She looks more beautiful than I remember. Her gorgeous hair is gleaming in the early morning light as her eyes light up with fire. I will not lose her again. (Y/n) is the love of my life. I will do whatever it takes to make her mine, and nothing or no one will stand in my way.

He starts smirking at you. You're confused. "Are you okay?" Will continues smirking at you, and you feel very uncomfortable. "Will, answer me."

"If you say you don't love me, maybe I just need to jog your memory."

"Will I-" He cuts you off as he slams his lips onto yours. You stand there, stunned, wanting to get away but can't because Will is too strong. He pulls you into him as he kisses, until there is no space between you two. "Kiss me back. Damn it..." He mumbles. He squeezes on your arm until you gasp in pain. He takes that as a gasp of pleasure and slips his tongue into your mouth. I need to get away, you think to yourself. You bite down hard on Will's tongue, and he yells out in pain. Then, you knee him between the legs, crippling him before you run for your life back towards hotel.

You keep looking back at where Will is lying in pain. Then you hear him yell, "YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE. I KNOW WHERE YOU'RE STAYING!" You run even faster, finally reaching your hotel. Once you make it inside, you walk towards the stairwell.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now