Heading to the beach

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You enter your hotel room and immediately begin unpacking. In about half an hour, you've finished. What should I do now? Right on cue, someone calls you. You pick up.


"Hey (y/n)!!"

"Hey Dylan!"

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"Actually no. I just finished unpacking. Why?"

"Well the guys and I are heading to the beach and were wondering if you wanted to come with us."


"Ok. We'll meet you at your room in 20 mins. What's your room number?"


"See you soon, (y/n)!"

"Can't wait! Oh and dylan?"


"Don't take the elevator." You both crack up.

"Thanks! We'll keep that in mind. Anyway I gotta go."

"Ok. Bye!"


You both hang up, and you're smiling from ear to ear. You are going to have so much fun! You run and get changed into your bathing suit, throwing a cute sundress over top. You grab everything you need for the beach, and soon enough, you hear knocking on the door. "Who is it?" you ask.

"Room service!" says a forced high voice. You start to giggle, knowing it's one of the guys, and open the door. There you see Ki Hong looking really hot in swim trunks and a muscle tee, leaning against your door frame. "Miss me?" he asks. You roll your eyes at his cockiness.

"Where are the others?" you ask.

"They're still getting ready and asked me to come get you." You nod. "So we have two options: 1) go get them or 2) wait for them at the beach. What do you want to do?" Ki Hong asks.

"Let's just meet them there. I've been dying to go to the beach all day!"

"Alright! Race you to the lobby!" Ki Hong shouts as he sprints for the stairs.

"Hey! No fair!" you yell back, chasing after him. When you finally reach the lobby, Ki Hong pretends to be sleeping on the sofa.

Once you reach him, he "wakes up" saying, "You took so long that I took a nap."

"Haha. Very funny." you reply, rolling your eyes.

"Well, let's go!" He grabs your hand, and you both run to the beach, located just outside your hotel. As you're running, all you can think about is his hand intertwined with yours. You feel a little spark there, but chose to ignore it.

Don't fall for him, (y/n). You know what happened last time. Plus, this probably means nothing to him . . .

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now