I wish...

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I slam the door shut and hear Ki Hon yell after me, "Jealous much?" Hell yeah I'm jealous! He was making out with my girl. In the end, it's not going to matter because she'll choose me. She seemed like she had a really good time on our date, and I'm sure she felt the chemistry between us as well. It definitely wasn't one sided . . . I hope . . .

I just stormed out of there. I couldn't handle listening to him. I love (y/n) and hearing that she made out with Ki Hong broke my heart, but hopefully it won't matter. If she had as much of a good time on our date as me, she will definitely choose me to be her boyfriend.

You look at your clock. It reads 3:00 am. Ughh why can't I sleep! Turning over again, you close your eyes, but still sleep won't come. "This is useless," you say to yourself. Opening your eyes again, you contemplate the one thing that is keeping you awake . . . or should you say three . . . Dylan, Thomas, and Ki Hong. "I need to clear my mind." You know you always do your best thinking when you're on a walk, so you get out of bed, put on some clothes and shoes, and head to the beach.

Using your phone as a flashlight, you walk along the beach with your feet in the water. Sighing, you begin to think about these three guys that have turned your life around for the better. "Let's start with Dylan . . ." You start to reminisce about your date with him. It was fun like he is. He's such a goofball, but in a good way. He's cute and funny, and his kiss . . . How can you describe it? Wonderful. Meanwhile, Thomas . . . his date was romantic just like him. Thomas is probably the sweetest guy you know, and his kiss brought you to another planet. On the other hand, Ki Hong took you to a nice club and danced the night away with you. You two made out, and it was hot like he is. So, I guess to sum up . . . they're all perfect in their own way. "UGH! WHY IS EVERYTHING SO DIFFICULT?!" Picking up a shell, you fling it in the ocean. You collapse on the sand in frustration, not caring that you got sandy. You look up at the stars, and suddenly, a shooting star streaks across the sky. You whisper to yourself, "I wish I pick the right guy."

Next thing you know, you hear, "(y/n)?"

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now