Ring Ring

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(Trigger Warning: There is some slight sexual assault in this chapter. It does not go into much detail, but please don't read it if you think you can't handle it.)

Thomas POV
Once we all returned home, I hardly slept. The usual questioned surfaced in my mind. What caused (y/n) to leave so abruptly? Why did she block us on social media and change her number? Did I do something wrong? Does she still feel anything towards me? However, now a new one is taking precedence: How will she react when she sees us?

Once it hits 7 AM, I can't take it anymore. I get up from bed to get my day started. The earlier I'm up, the earlier I can see (y/n) again. As I shuffle around the kitchen to make tea, I hear Ki Hong groaning in the den. He must've passed out on the couch after his night out.

"(Y/n)..." Ki Hong mumbles.

I guess he's dreaming about (y/n) again. Can't say he's the only one. She hasn't left my dreams since I met her.


I roll my eyes. She's more than just pretty. She's beautiful. I shake my head as I take a sip of my tea. 


Ki Hong's mutterings are starting to get on my nerves. I just want to think and drink my tea in peace.

"Insane ex..." Ki Hong starts tossing and turning, clearly distressed about something. He must be having some crazy dream.

"(Y/N)!!" Ki Hong yells. He startles himself awake, breathing heavily as if he's just finished a marathon. Sweat has collected on his brow while his eyes dart around the room.

Dylan stumbles into the room half asleep. "What's - yawn- going on?"

"I had a crazy dream that I saw (y/n) at the club last night, and she warned me to stay away because of her crazy ex, Will. I wanted to help her, but I was incapacitated. I didn't have control of myself. I just watched her get pulled away from me. The dream felt so real..."

I look over at Dylan, who is glancing at me. "I don't think that was a dream, mate," I explain to Ki Hong.

"What do you mean?..." Dylan fills Ki Hong about finding (y/n)'s wallet. "I can't believe it. So, I really did see her again? Was her crazy ex there too?"

"We don't know about the ex part. This is the first time you've mentioned it," I state.

"I don't think it's true. (Y/n) would let us know if she was in trouble," Dylan reasons.

"Well there's one way to find out!" Ki Hong grabs the wallet from Dylan, who had been holding it to show to Ki Hong. Ki Hong dials the number and waits for (y/n) to pick up.

"Put it on speaker," Dylan says.

I hold my breathe, anxious to hear her angelic voice again.

I stir awake as I hear a buzzing noise. I try to stretch but quickly notice I can't. My eyes fly open as I realize that Will had left me tied up after our "fun" from last night. He knows I hate being tied up, which is exactly why he does it - to remind me that he's in control, and there is nothing I can do about it. Will has his arm snaked around my waist as he sleeps. He looks peaceful while sleeping, but I don't let that fool me. Flashbacks from last night fly through my brain. Last night was especially rough. He was relentless, and all I remember is pain. He wanted to try out every fantasy and whim he's ever had. I couldn't even just sit there and bear it. I had to pretend to like it or else I would get punished. How did my life end up like this?

Dylan POV
"Hello. You've reached (y/n), Will's girlfriend. If you're a male other than her relative, save yourself the trouble and hang up now, or I will fight you. Anyway, leave a message for my lovely (y/n), and she'll get back to you as soon as she can." A high pitched beep resonates from the phone. We all stand there looking at each other, shocked from what we just heard.

I decide to speak first, "Hey (y/n). I hope you haven't forgotten about us!" I laugh nervously.
"Yeah...So funny story. We found your wallet at the club last night. So um we decided to call you to um return it. So if you could- er if you want to - call us back and we could meet up. Uh yeah. Well that's it. Say goodbye, boys."

"Bye (y/n)!!" They shout.

"Hope to see you soon!" Thomas adds.

I hang up the phone. "What was that?"

"That must've been the crazy ex she was warning me about," Ki Hong says.

"Do you think (y/n) is alright?" Thomas replies worriedly.

"Let's say she doesn't or, for some reason, can't call us back. What should we do?" I respond.

"Didn't the wallet also have her address in it?" Thomas asks.

"Oh yeah!" I respond.

"So if she doesn't call us back in two days. We can stop by her place to give it to her." Thomas suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." I say. I really hope (y/n) is ok. If he has so much as hurt a hair on her head, I will kill him. I clench my hands at the thought.

I haven't been able to fall back asleep. Tears have been streaming down my face due to a combination of hopelessness, fear, and panic. What if Will doesn't wake up, and I was trapped because I was tied up? No one would know. I would die alone. But, what if Will does wake up and continues from where he left off last night? Either one would be terrible.

As Will begins to wake up, he nuzzles his face into my chest and mumbles a "Good morning."  He then gives me a peck on the lips. He noticed my tears and realized it's because of my tied-up hands. "I'm sorry, babe. I guess I passed out last night. We went pretty hard didn't we?" He smirks.

"Please just untie me, Will. You know I hate this."

"You do realize that you're not completely forgiven. You lied to me, and that cannot go unpunished. A relationship is built on trust and honesty. Without that, what do we have?"

I can't believe he's saying this to me. This is NOT a true relationship. This is abuse, assault, and kidnapping. But you know better than to open your mouth. You have scars to remind you. "Nothing. We would have nothing."

"Exactly. Now, I could be persuaded to untie you if you did something for me..." He has a look on his face that you know all too well. He leans in and kisses you. "Round two here we go," he smiles.

A/N: Oh wow! It's been awhile! I'm sorry for such the long wait. I was planning on just letting it die, but I keep getting pleas to update so I decided that I am going to finish this. There's only a few chapters left, but I plan on having alternate endings so you can choose who you end up with. Let me know what you thin! Thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now