Here comes the Others

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Once you reach the beach, you take in the sights and sounds around you - the warm sand beneath your feet, the heat from the sun, the screaming kids, and the crashing of waves. As you and Ki Hong go off to reserve a spot for everyone, you set up your stuff and lay out your towel. "When are the rest of the guys getting here?" you ask.

"I don't know. Let me call them." Ki Hong walks away to talk with them on the phone.

In the mean time, you decide to start sunbathing and take off your sundress, leaving you in your swimsuit. Ki Hong returns. "The rest are..." but he stops mid sentence as his eyes land on you. You turn and look at him.

"Are you ok?" you ask him.

"Uh...yeah. I just got distracted by you. Anyway, where was I?"

You turn a slight shade of pink at his comment, and a smile starts to grow across your face. "The boys are..." you prompt.

"Oh! They're on there way. They should actually be here any sec-"

"KI HONG!! (Y/N)!! HEYY!" You turn to the rest of the guys making their way over to you two. You run over to engulf them in a hug.

"Hey guys!" you say, once you finish hugging them. "What's the plan for today?" you ask.

"We're definitely going into the water first, but the rest is up in the air." Dylan responds.

"Sounds fun! But, I want to sunbathe right now. You guys can go ahead into the water, and I'll join you later."

"Aww! C'mon, (y/n)! You can sunbathe later!" Dylan whines.

"But I want to do it before I get soaked, so I don't have to lie down on a wet towel!" you whine back.

"Please, love?" Thomas begs.

Did Thomas just call me love? He probably just meant it in a friendly way . . .

You are about to agree when Ki Hong comes up behind you and asks, "What's the problem?"

"(Y/n), doesn't want to go into the water with us," Thomas complains.

"I know a way to solve that problem!" says a now shirtless Dylan.

You can't take your eyes off of him as you ask, "What are you-" but before you can finish your sentence, Dylan throws you over his shoulder. "Put me down!!!" you screech, playfully hitting his back. By now, Dylan has waded into the ocean. "Don't you dare, Dylan," you warned, but with the encouragement from the other guys, Dylan throws you into the freezing ocean.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now