A Bet's a Bet

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Your mouth falls open in disbelief, and Ki Hong tightens his arm around your waist. You steal a glance at his face. He's glaring hard at the two of them, and his jaw is clenched. "What?" you ask.

"You heard us, (y/n). A bet is a bet." Dylan replies, smirking.

"She's not doing it," Ki Hong growls.

"She doesn't have a choice! We won fair and square!" Jacob responds.

"I'll do it," you sigh.

"No!" Ki Hong says quickly.

"Why not?" you ask.

"Because...never mind. Forget it!"

"Umm ok?" That was weird, you think to yourself. You turn and face Dylan and Jacob. "Let's get this over with," you laugh. You give Jacob a kiss on the cheek, and he starts to blush. He stares off into space, almost star struck. You're about to do the same thing to Dylan, but he stops you.

"Mine has to be on the lips."

"What?! You didn't say that earlier!"

"A bet's a bet!"

"Fine," you sigh. You lean in and kiss him. Something stirs inside you, causing you to get caught up in the moment. You wrap your arms around his neck and play with his hair, enjoying every moment of this. He holds your waist tightly and kisses back. You break away as you hear someone clear their throat. When turn your head, you see none other than Thomas, looking very upset.

"Did you two have fun?" I say dryly.

"It was just a dare, dude. Calm down." Dylan responds almost smugly.

"Well you two didn't have to do it for that long. The kiss could have just be a peck and yet..." Ki Hong says, glaring at Dylan.

"You're just jealous that I got to kiss her," Dylan counters.

"That's ok. She likes me more," Ki Hong replies cockily.

"No! She likes me more!" I shout.

"Guys I'm right here..." (y/n) says.

"I think I'm going to go..." Jacob says timidly before leaving, but no one hears him over the arguing.

"No! Me!" Dylan yells.

The guys and I continue fighting when (y/n) interrupts us, "Stop it!!!!" We all stop talking and listen to her. "Stop fighting!" she insists. We all look at each other.

"We can't..." I say.

"We all really like you," DylanThe  says. (Y/n) pauses, thinking about what was just said. She looks so cute right now as she bites her lip, lost in thought.

"What can I do to get you to stop fighting?" she asks.

"I have an idea!" Ki Hong shouts excitedly.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now