Shocking News

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A/N: I'm so sorry guys. I thought I had published this part. To make up for it, I've written two parts. I hope you like it!

By now, it's 8 am, and you've almost finished packing. All that's left is saying goodbye to the guys. You know it's going to be tough and start considering not saying goodbye to them at all. "They've been so kind to me though... They at least deserve a goodbye," you say to yourself.

With a firm resolve, you go up to the boys room and knock on the door. "Hey guys! It's me, (y/n)," you say.


"Hey! It's (y/n)!" Ki Hong exclaims.

"Let me open it!" Dylan demands as he rushes over.

"No! I will!"

I can hear them fighting from my room. I make my way over just as Ki Hong shoves Dylan to the floor. Dylan retaliates by tripping Ki Hong as he tries to walk to the door, causing Ki Hong to fall to the ground. "Dude what the hell?!" Ki Hong yells.

While they're both on the ground, I step over them and open the door. (Y/n) is standing there looking beautiful as ever. "Hey, Thomas," she says, snapping me out of my trance.

"Hey, love," I reply.

"Is everything okay? I heard yelling," she asks, looking at Ki Hong and Dylan still sprawled on the ground.

"Don't mind them. They'll be fine," I respond.

Ki Hong and Dylan get up and walk over. "Hey, (y/n). What's up?" Dylan asks.

Looking hesitant, (y/n) says, "Well... I-I need to tell you all something."

"Come in and let it out," Ki Hong says, motioning (y/n) in and closing the door behind her.

She's going to make her decision, I think to myself. My heart starts beating a hundred miles a minute, but nothing prepared me for what she said next.

"I have to go home..."

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now