Jealous Much?

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Ki Hong leans in and kisses you. You're caught off guard but soon start to kiss back. This kiss isn't like the others. It's hesitant at first but quickly becomes heated. Soon you two are making out, but you pull away before anything happens. "Wow...." Ki Hong says in awe. You smile slightly. "I hope we get to do that again sometime," he adds.

"Ha ha! We'll see..."

After you two dance for awhile, Ki hong says, "Well, I've had a fantastic night, but it's time we head back." Ki Hong grabs your hand and leads you back to the car.

Once you arrive at the hotel, you give him a quick kiss on the cheek and say, "I had an amazing time tonight. Thank you so much!"

"Anytime!" You head into your room with a smile on your face and collapse on your bed.

Wow... That's all I keep saying to myself. (Y/n) is more perfect than I could ever imagine. I keep thinking about our make out and her dancing in that red dress.... She's just so hot. I walk into the the hotel room, and Dylan and Thomas are standing in front of me before I even shut the door. "How was it?" they ask in unison.

I hold back my smile and shrug, "It was alright."

"Just alright?" Thomas asks. I can't help but laugh.

"No. I'm totally kidding. That was the best date I've ever gone on and probably the best makeout I've had."

"What?! You made out with her?!" Dylan responds, shocked.

"Yeah, and it was as hot. Plus, you should have seen the tight red dress she wore." Thomas storms into his room and slams the door, while Dylan's face contorts with jealousy. "What did I do?" I ask Dylan. Dylan just groans and storms off into his room. "Jealous much?" I call after him. He slams his door shut, too, and I'm left standing in the doorway, smiling to myself and just feeling good.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now