The Wallet

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By now you've lost track of how much you've drank, but the room is starting to spin.

"Let's go home babe," Will whispers in your ear.

Drunkenly you giggle, "Okayyyy."

Will helps you out of the club and into the car. He leans over and whispers in your ear, "I still can't wait for my surprise."

"W-what surpriseeee?" you ask, laughing.

"The one you promised me tonight if we went out."

"Ohhhhhh I lied. I just wanted to go out and you fell for itttttt. Hahahahaha!"

Will starts fuming with anger. "You lied to me?! You think you can trick me?! You'll pay for this . . ." Scowling, he starts the car and speeds home.

Ki Hong's POV

I should jump off a table and crowd surf!!! Ki Hong crawls onto the table, knocking some glasses off of it. "Heyyy everybody! I'm gonna jump! Catch meeee!!" He jumps off and lands hard onto the floor, knocking himself out.

When Ki Hong comes to, Dylan and Thomas are hovering over him.

"Thanks for calling us," Dylan says to the bartender.

"Hey. Are you alright, Ki Hong?" Thomas asks.

"I'm feeling goooooood. You'll never guess what happened tonight," Ki Hong replies.

"I think I can guess," Dylan retorts. "We told you. You have to stop doing this."

Ki Hong rolls his eyes. "That's not what I was going to saaaaaay. I was going to say that I saw (y/n)."

Thomas and Dylan look at each other. "You must be even more bloody drunk than we thought. We need to get you home," Thomas says.

"I'm not making this up! I swearrrrr!" Thomas and Dylan help him up.

"Whatever you say Ki Hong," Dylan mumbles. They help Ki Hong walk to the door.

"That's the table where I saw her!" Ki Hong yells, breaking free from them. "I slid in all cool like and start chatting her up."

"Sure you did mate," Thomas says. Then, he notices a familiar wallet left on the table. "Wait a minute . . ."

"You don't actually believe him? Do you?" Dylan asks in disbelief.

Thomas grabs the wallet. "It can't be . . ." He opens it and upon seeing the license drops it in shock.

"What's wrong with you?" Dylan picks up the wallet and opens it. His mouth drops open. "I can't believe you're telling the truth Ki Hong. . ."

"I told you sooooo!" Ki Hong says.

"Well what did she say?" Dylan asks.

"How's she doing?" Thomas asks.

"She said something about an ex. Then, I left and went dancing."

"That's all? How'd she look?" Dylan asks.

"Hot as EVER!" Ki Hong sighs and fake swoons.

"I can't believe it's been over a year since we've seen her. I've missed her so much . . ." Thomas says.

"We've all missed her," Dylan responds.

Everyone sadly looks at the picture on your license. "I have an idea!" Ki Hong shouts.

"Ki Hong, you're drunk. None  of your ideas will be good right now," Dylan responds.

"Nooo! This one is gooood," Ki Hong tells them earnestly. "We should look to see if her address or phone number are in it and then return it!"

"That's actually not a bad idea. Good job mate!" Thomas pats Ki Hong on the back.

Dylan rifles through the wallet and finds a "If found please return to" card. "Here it is! It has her cell and address!"

"Let's call her in the morning. It's too late now," Thomas suggests. Everyone agrees. They all walk out with huge smiles on their face, knowing they can see their love again.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now