Thomas' Turn

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You wake up in the morning with your phone ringing. Thomas is calling. You answer your phone, and Thomas says, "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning handsome," you reply.

"I have the perfect date planned for tonight."

"Ooo! What is it?"

"Can't say, but I think you'll like it."

"I can't wait!"

"Neither can I! Sorry, but I have to go get our date set up. I'll pick you up around 6, love."

"Okay! See you then!"

You hang up, smiling. A couple hours later, you get ready for the date. Soon enough, you hear a knock on your door. You answer it and see Thomas there, holding a bouquet of roses. "You got those for me?" you ask, shocked.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl," he says, holding them out to you.

You take them from him, "Let's go put them in water. They're absolutely gorgeous! Please come in." You open the door for Thomas and search for something to put them in. Thomas follows you around and asks if you want help. "I'm ok, but thanks!" After 5 minutes, you give up. "There's nothing for me to put them in except a water bottle," you say.

"I'm sure a water bottle would be fine, love." You fill up the water bottle with water and place the roses in it. "Ready to go?" Thomas asks.

"Yup!" He holds out his arm for you to take   You grab it, and he leads you downstairs and to the beach. There, you see a picnic blanket set up on the sand along with a picnic basket. "Oh Thomas! This is perfect!"

"I was hoping you would say that," he responds, beaming. You both sit down on the blanket. He starts pulling out the food, so you two can begin eating. As you two eat the delicious food, you talk about yourselves, learning that you two have a lot in common. While you're talking to him, you can't help but fall for his accent and his adorable laugh. Soon, the sun starts to set. You're amazed by the array of colors in the sky.

Thomas POV:
Everything about her is perfect from the way her face lights up when she laughs to the way she crinkles her nose to something she doesn't like. I can feel myself falling for her even more, if that's possible. Right now, (y/n) is marveling at the sunset, while I am marveling at her beauty. The sun glints beautifully off her stunning hair, and I just can't take my eyes off of her. I lay my hand on top of hers as we sit there. She looks down at our hands and smiles. God, even her smile is beautiful. "Can you believe this sunset?" she asks.

"It's gorgeous," I reply, staring at her. She looks over, smiling. I glance at her perfect lips, and not being able to resist, I lean in.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now