Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Us?

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You wake up feeling the happiest you have in a long time. Maybe it's the sun beaming down outside or maybe it's the birds chirping.... Who are you kidding? You know why. It's because of the three wonderful guys you've met. Who would have thought that this would happen? This vacation has been the best one ever, all thanks to Thomas, Dylan, and Ki Hong. They've helped you not only get over your ex, but start dating again too. Although you've only known them for a couple days, it feels like an eternity. You can't help but smile at the thought of them as you get ready for the day. While you're eating breakfast, you get a text from Ki Hong saying, "I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. We're going clubbing :)"

You respond, "Sounds fun! Can't wait!"

*******TIME SKIP*******

It's nearly 8 as you're slipping on your high heels. While waiting for Ki Hong, you straighten out your red party dress, which hugs you curves perfectly. Hearing a knock, you grab your clutch and open the door. You have to refrain from your mouth dropping open as you see him in his clubbing outfit. He looked hot.

I smirk as I check her out. She looks smoking in her tight red dress. "Looking good, babe," I say. That's an understatement. She looks like a super model or an angel! But I gotta keep my cool.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she replies, smirking. We drive to the club, and I see her face light up in excitement as we pull in. After giving my car to the valet, we walk through the door. The guard standing by the door gives us the nod as we walk in. "Why don't we have to wait in line?" she asks.

"VIPs don't wait in lines."

You're impressed. Not only did he take you to this nice club, but you're also VIPs. He takes you over to the bar and orders you each a drink. "Now remember...tonight is all about having fun. Just let loose and leave your worries behind," he says.

"Sounds like a plan," you reply, taking a big swig of your drink. Just then your favorite song comes on. "Let's go dance!!" you yell as you drag Ki Hong on to the danced floor.

As you're dancing, Ki Hong says, "Is it hot in here, or is it just us?"

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now