A High Stake Volleyball Game

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A/N: (y/s/n) stands for your ship name

Ki Hong and you arrive at the volleyball court. Dylan and another guy are passing the ball back and forth. "I found her!" Ki Hong yells. They stop passing and look over in your direction.

"Great!" Dylan yells back. "Oh by the way, this is Jacob Lofland. Jacob. (Y/n). (Y/n). Jacob."

"Nice to meet you," Jacob says shyly.

"You too," you reply, smiling.

"So teams . . . I was thinking Dylan and Jacob and me and (y/n)," Ki Hong says.

"How come (y/n) gets to be on your team?" Jacob asks.

"Because I found her! She wouldn't be playing if it weren't for me."

"Ugh! Ok. Fine," Dylan responds.

Aww! It's so cute that he insists on me being on his team. you think to yourself.

"Let's make this interesting," Dylan says, smirking. "Winner gets to dare the other team to do something, and they have to do it."

"I'm down. Prepare to wear a dress, Dylan," Ki Hong taunts.

"Whatever you say, Ki Hong," Dylan retorts.

Everyone gets set up on their side of the court.
You huddle up with Ki Hong. "We gotta win this!" he says.

"Yeah! I really wanna see Dylan in a dress."

"Let's do this! On three say 'Team Ki Hong.' One-"

"Hold up! Why team Ki Hong? It should be both our names combined!"

"So like a ship name?" he asks, smirking.

"Haha! Yeah. I guess so!" you reply, giggling.

"Team (y/s/n) it is then!"

"Aww! That's a cute team name."

"It must mean we'd make a good couple." He winks at you. You start to blush, so you look down, trying to hide it. "Don't hide your blush! It's so adorable!" He lifts your chin up, and you stare into his eyes, getting lost in them.

"Are we going to start playing?" Dylan yells.

"Yeah!" you two call back.

"Let's go! Team (y/s/n) on three. One! Two! Three!" Ki Hong says.

"TEAM (Y/S/N)!" you both shout.

*****TIME SKIP*****

The game is tied. The first one to 15 wins. The other team has the ball first and serves it over. Ki Hong digs the ball, you set, and he spikes it hard onto the other side. Dylan receives it, and after a set by Jacob, hits it low onto your side. You dive, but it's too late. The other team has won. Jacob and Dylan are cheering on the other side. "I'm sorry, Ki Hong," you say sadly as you walk over to him.

"No worries. We'll get them next time." Ki Hong throws his arm around your waist.

"What dare do you think they'll make us do?"

"Nothing fun. I guarantee it." Dylan and Jacob walk over to you two.

"Dare time!!" Dylan says excitedly, a mischievous smiles starts forming on his face.

"First, when we get back, Ki Hong has to wear a dress and walk around the hotel." Dylan turns to you. "And, (y/n) . . ."

Jacob cuts him off, "You have to kiss us," he says, smirking.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now