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A few months have passed since you've seen the guys, and your life has turned upside down. You're now in an abusive relationship with Will because you're too afraid to leave him. You're worried that he'll hurt you even worse or hurt someone (or someones) that you care about. Sometimes you try to fight Will, but you've learned that it is just better to do whatever he says than suffer the pain of defying him.

"I think we should go out tonight babe," Will suggests. You hold in your cringe.

"Whatever you want, Will."

"We'll go to the club. Wear something sexy, okay? I got plans for us tonight after," he whispers in your ear. Your hands shake from the memories of last time he had "plans." You just nod your head in response, dreading what is to come.

******TIME SKIP******

As you get ready for your date with Will, you try to hold back your tears. Will walks in, holding something behind his back. "I got something for you to wear tonight," he smirks. He pulls out a very revealing dress. It's so short it could pass as a shirt. "Go put it on," he urges. You fake a smile and go try it on.

You inspect yourself in the mirror. "What do you think of it?" Will asks from your room.

"I-it's . . . great . . . I guess."

"Come out, so I can see it."

You hesitate, not wanting him to see you in it. "Y/n)! Come out now!"

Slowly you open the door so Will can see. "Damn . . . You look so sexy." He comes over to you, pressing his body against you, and places his hands on you, running them down your waist. "Maybe we can skip the club . . ." he whispers into your neck as he plays with the hem of your tiny dress.

A/N: Sorry it's short. I'm on vacation right now, so I don't have much time to write. I'll update again soon.

Stuck In An Elevator {Reader x Dylan O'brien x Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now