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  Evangeline sat quietly in her cell. Curled into herself against the furthest corner. Her hands shook as she replayed the events of the day in her mind. Seeing her soulmates caused sadness to stir up in her. The want to be around them again was eating her alive as she remembered bits and pieces of their lives together. Before she was taken away.

She was greatfull that she rarely got mind wiped. It was something they did to her only if she was out of line. They mostly used it on Bucky, making her watch every time as a way to torture her.

She wished she was strong enough to flee. To run and escape and be free of HYDRA like she had been. But she didn't want to leave Bucky. Not again. 


Evangeline looked up at the sound a voice. Pierce stood at her doors with two guards standing behind him. Guns at the ready. Standing up, she nodded to him.

"I have another assignment for you." He said.


Evangeline was dressed in all black. Her pants were tight and hugged at her waist. A belt which held a few knifes wrapped around her. There were also a few around her ankles and arm. Her head was wrapped with a shall. Hiding her hair and face from those with peering eyes.
She walked closely behind Pierce. He had taken her from her cell and was using her for protection. A Shield.

The council walked on her other side. Three other men and a woman. The guards kept an eye on her. Every time he would stare at her she would roll her eyes. His crude thoughts pushed back into the furthest part of her mind. Ignoring him, she focused back on her task.

Her eyes scanned her surroundings. Not paying attention to any of the conversations that were happening as they walked.
However, when they stopped walking, Evangeline stood behind.


In the glass room, As Evangeline stood by the big window, ready to defend if anything were to happen, she couldn't help the uneasy feeling that suddenly washed over her. Something was going to happen and she knew it.
As Pierce gave his speech, Evangeline moved around the room. Checking for any sort of danger, when a voice over the system stopped her movements.

'Attention all S.H.E.I.L.D. agents.'

The voice on the PA sent shivers down Evangeline's spine. She knew that voice.

'This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. S.H.E.I.L.D is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The S. T. R. I. K. E. And insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more. But I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you."

Evangeline watched as Pierce walked around the room. She could tell he was nervous. Scared, even.

As chaos erupted outside, Evangeline felt her own self grow a bit nervous. She was unsure what she should do. The others in the room looked over to each other and Pierce. He paced as he held a device in his hand.
She wasn't sure what was going on. She wasn't sure if she was strong enough to take him down. But she knew that that's what she wanted to do.

"Let me ask you a question." Pierce said to one of the members. He walked over to the table and picked up the champagne glass. He handed it to one of the men.

Evangeline eyes the two guards that stood a little too close to her for her likening. They held their guns close to them. Evangeline was ready for anything.

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