- Chapter Twenty Eight -

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The birds chirped. Happily in the sky. Unfazed by the change of the world. Unfazed by anything that was happening below them.
The sky was grey. A dull color to match the mood of the evening.  A black dress hung on her shoulders, one that she's only ever wore once before. She sat in front of her big, wooden mirror, her shoulders exposed. Her soulmarks caught her eyes. Natasha's mark that's now black and white, instead of it's green color. 

She sighed softly, her fingers lift up and trace the mark. She closed her eyes. Then, using her other hand, she touched her ribs. Tony's mark was black and white too. Two soulmates. Gone. She thinks. Sadly. Her heart hurt. But, At least she was back and so was the rest of the world.

Hearing a soft knock at her bedroom door, Evangeline sighed and stood up. She turned to the side and watched as Steve walked in. Wearing a dark suit. He gave her a broken smile. She didn't return one.

Steve slowly walked toward her. His hand rested on her shoulder. She closed her eyes. Fighting back the tears that have already broken down the dam. "It's time." Is all he says. Evangeline nods. And together, they walk out.
The floor boards creek as they walk across towards the outside.

A cabin In the woods. Were his last thoughts. She heard. She agreed. So, not even a week after everything, did they help move in to Tony's place. A quiet place where she could actually hear her own thoughts for once. A place that reminded her of him.

She knew also that Natasha would've liked to live up here. It was peace. It was a sanctuary. For those who helped save the world time and time again.

"Hey." Evangeline looked to her left, Peter stood. His Aunt may by his side. Evangeline smiled kindly at her, and gave a small kiss to Peter in his cheek.

Everyone had attended. Everyone that was close to Tony, and even Natasha.  Pepper Pots organized the whole thing. She was kind enough to do so. Being close friends with Tony as well as Evangeline. She insisted. Evangeline couldn't deny the gesture.

The wind blew against her face. Slightly cold, her cardigan kept her warm now and her marks were covered. The lake in front of them flowed soothly. Small ripples moved one way forward.

Rhodey then came up beside her, holding a small wreath decorated with a few flowers lingered around it. He passed it towards her. She took it gently. Proof that Tony Stark has a heart. It read.

Evangeline of all people knew that he did. And it was bigger than most. That was for sure.

Slowly, she walks forward. Down the dock and right up to the front. She bent down. Placing the flower bed down into the water. She then stands up, backing away, she watches with teary eyes as it floats away.

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