-- Chapter Ten --

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Mornings in the tower were usually quiet.  Everyone woke up at different times, Evangeline usually was the first one to wake, for she sometimes got breakfast ready.
She didn't put salt in the pancake batter anymore, not that much anyway, but She and Vision, actually, usually cooked dinner for everyone when the time came and everyone , mostly everyone all ate together.

So, this morning, as everyone else started to wake, she and the Vision started cooking breakfast for everyone.

"Morning." Looking up from the stove, she watched as her brother walked in alone. Rubbing his face as he walked towards the counter and poured himself a cup of freshly brewing coffee.

"Morning. Where's Daisy?" Evangeline asked, moving past Vision who put more bread in the toaster.

"Uh, she said something about handing a few errands to do. She should be back later." He said, just as the toaster then went off.

"Oh," Is all she could say. As she went back to stirring the pot.

Clearing his throat, Evangeline looked back up to his brother, raising a brow, she tilted her head as he shifted his eyes towards Vision.
Getting the message, she turned to the man in the cape.

"Uh, Viz, you think you could go..uh..."

"Oh, right. Of course." He says, putting the toast on a plate next to her. She smiled at him and watched as he flew away.

"What's up?" She asked, looking at her brother with a worried expression. Something was clearly wrong.

"It's about Daisy." He says, shaking his head. "I'm worried about her."

Evangeline moved to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. She wasn't sure where he was going with this, she said, "why's that, she seems fine...."

Darian sighed. "Yeah, but lately...she's been a trying real distant. Real secretive."

"How so?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee. She cringed at the slight bitterness, but embrace the warmth.

"She—okay, a few nights ago, I overheard her talking on the phone, i couldn't understand what she was saying because she was speaking like, Russian or something." He says.

Feeling her stomach slightly do an uneasy flip, Evangeline tried to keep her heart beating at a regular pace. There's nothing to even freak out about. Lots of people know Russian. She says, to her inner self.

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