-- Chapter Twenty Five --

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     Six stones. Four different places. Three in New York, one in Asgard, and the other in Morag and Vormir, aka, space.

Six stones. Three teams. And one shot.

The needed to get this right. There wasn't room for fuck-ups. Everything needed to go exactly according to the plan.

This had to go right.

The team walked towards the machine. One goal in mind as they suited up and stood in a circle. Each of them listen carefully to Steve as he speaks with confidence.

"One round-trip each." He says, "no mistakes....no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful.  Look out for each other. This is the right of our lives. And we're gonna win. "

Tony send a look to Steve, the Captain turned to face him. "Whatever it takes." He says. "Good luck."

"He's pretty good at that." Rocket comments To Scott.


"All right." Tony announced, "you heard the man. Stroke those key, Jolly Green."

Bruce typed on the machine, "Trackers engaged." He said

"You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Rocket said to Clint, who held his shrunken ship.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do my best." He said

"As promises go, that was pretty lame."

Finally, they all gathered back onto the platform.
Their hearts racing with fear, and anxiety.

"All right." Natasha says, looking towards Steve. "See ya in a minute."

He nodded back at her. Then, in silent agreement, their minds focused on one thing.

As The machine spun on, without any form of count down, it came to life and through the beeping and heavy beating hearts, each member prepared. Mentally and physically.

Six stones. Four different places. And one shot. One shot at saving the world. At bringing everyone who was lost back. Could they pull this off? Was this really going to work?

Was this really their chance to bring back their soulmate?

No one has said it out loud. But it's what they all were thinking. Bring Evangeline back. Save the world.


New York

    The city was in ruins. Just a like it's been many times before. The army showed no mercy to the buildings and people around.
In the ally saying, one of the teams stood. Their assignments in mind.

"Okay." Steve announced, "we have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down town. Stay low. Keep track on time." The others nod in understanding. The pressure rising.

And suddenly, watching with surprised eyes, the 2012 Hulk came smashing by, knocking a few things down and breaking anything in his path before rushing in the other direction.
The current Bruce cringed, shrinking embarrassingly away from the sudden attention thrown his way by the others

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