- Chapter Three -

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The Tower.
One week later

    Evangeline sat at the island counter

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    Evangeline sat at the island counter. Her fingers slowly typing on the laptop keyboard. It took a while for her to get the hang of using it. Sitting through the internet lesson with Peter was a little frustrating because she hadn't used technology in so long. But he was calm while teaching her and she enjoyed watching him explain things to her.  

So now, using her knowledge, she browsed the web. What she was looking for a was probably impossible. The last time she saw him, he was older than when he first took her.
She didn't know how, or what type science or magic he used to keep him self alive all this time, but she knew that he was in fact that: alive.

But Evangeline had wanted him dead.

She knew his name and that seemed to be enough to get a small trial. For the last few days she's been held up in her room or any place her soulmates weren't, scouring the web for everything she could find on the Zola brothers. She gathered notes upon notes and location after location, anything that led to the man that had caused her so much pain.  So much hurt.  Loss.

It had become her goal to find him. And she wasn't about to let anyone get in her way of ending his life. Not even her soulmates. 

Evangeline knew that finding the younger Zola would be hard. But she hoped that on her search, she would also find someone else. And together, they would take him down.


"Hey, have you guys seen Angie?" Clint had asked once he exited the elevator and walked into the main room. The others all were scattered around. Sam and Peter watching tv, Tony was most likely in his lab; Steve and Natasha had been sitting at the island, each of them reading the paper.

Clint had looked around and hadn't seen his soulmate. He had a few new books for her and wanted to give them to her. But she was no where to be found. 

"Last time I saw her she was taking a nap in the library." Bruce had said as he sat beside Peter on the couch. He had a bowl of popcorn in his hands and offered some to Peter and Sam.

Clint nodded and made his way over to the room. He gently knocked and opened it.

Looking up quickly, Evangeline closed the laptop and placed it over the scattered papers on the table. She smiled at him as she noticed him carrying books.

Clint didn't miss the quick way she put away her laptop. Ignoring questioning it, he smiled brightly at his soulmate and handed her the books he had for her.
She smiled and with a small hesitation, she gave him a hug and went to put them with her other books. While she was turned away,
Clint took the chance to glance at the computer. The urge to know what she was so focused on taking over as he eyes reach the screen. 

On the search bar, a page linked to an article on Armen Zola's brother and his success lay open.  His eyebrows scrunched up together as he looked at the screen. Why would Evangeline want to know about the guy that  tortured her for most of her life?

"I want to find him. And I want to kill him."

Clint quickly turned his head to face the girl beside him.


"I'm going to find him. And I'm going to kill him. I know he's out there somewhere. HYDRA—-they are nothing now. Without their assets they are nothing. I know I know get him—"


"I-I need to find him—I—"

Clint watched as she began to shake. Her small hands held closely to her sides. Her head tilted down and looked at the ground.

"Hey, come here." Clint reached out his hands and gently grasped her arms and guided her to sit beside him on the chair. She didn't pull away and Clint was glad that she was trusting him.

"If you wanted to look for him why didn't you ask us to help?" He questioned. He wanted the man dead too and wouldn't mind helping search for him. If they had known, he was sure the others would help as well.

"I didn't want to bother you guys—we're already busy looking for James—I wanted to do it myself."

Clint's eyes softened as he looked at his soulmate with understanding. "We'll help, okay? We can get Nick on board—-"

"No. It will take too long. I almost have him. I just need a little more time." She told him and shook her head.


"Please don't tell the others. I don't want them to worry. You all worry enough about me—"

Clint sighed. He wanted to help her. He wanted to go and get the others so they could all take down the man that brought so much pain to their soulmate.

"Okay—okay. But you have to let me help."

Evangeline smiled at her soulmate with a sad smile. She slowly leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiled and gave her one back.

————————🌻 ———————

Okay. Sucky and short chapter and I apologize! I'll possibly come back to this chapter and fix it. But this will have to due in order to get on with the next Plot and into Age of Ultron.


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