-- Chapter One --

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2014— Post Winter Soldier
pre Age of Ultron
Age 26
The Tower

2014— Post Winter Soldier pre Age of Ultron Age 26The Tower

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The wind blows gently. Her hair moved slightly as she walked in the dark. The shadows acting as a cover. She can hear him behind her.  As they walk, they think the same thing. Complete the mission.

Evangeline stopped, she felt as Bucky bumped into her. She turned her head to the side, their target in sight. She moved her hand forward and he understood. He went first. He Always did.
She then followed him. Her feet tapped the ground as quietly as she knew how.

Complete the mission and nothing will happen.

That was what they were told. Nothing will happen as long as things go according to plan.
Get eyes on the target, pursuit, kill, then head back to base.

As they near the small house, the light was on, indicating that they were home. However, as they get closer to the house, Evangeline could hear screaming. yelling coming from the inside. The sound of crying.  Bucky sent her a look and she gave him a nod as he moved forward.

"What the—"

The man looked between the two strangers that stood in front of him inside his house. His wife and child were huddled away from him. That's where the crying had come from, Evangeline guessed. They looked scared. And not of her and Bucky.

"No. I still have time. I'm almost done paying my dues!" The man shouted

Bucky however, didn't hesitate as he moved towards the man and grabbed his neck with his metal arm. The mans screams were cut off by the lack of oxygen. Soon, he fell to the ground and landed with a thud.

Bucky sent a look towards Evangeline. She shook her head as her eyes landed on the woman and child, who was no older that 4.  They were huddled together, the mother's arms wrapped up protectively around her son.  She shook her head rapidly. "No! Please!" She cried

"Evangeline." Bucky whispered to her harshly. They needed to get going.

The blonde, who's eyes had started to tear up, turned towards him. She shook her head.
"I—I can't." She said

"We have to."


Evangeline had seen this before. No, Evangeline had lived through this before. The little boy was her, and the mother was her own. Backing up, she turned to Bucky.

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